Sunday 21 January 2018

No Mercy Rohingya Muslims In 2017

No Mercy Rohingya Muslims In 2017

In 2017, one bitter incident that took place was the Rohingya Muslims suffering which became more severe. Thousands of Muslims were killed, homes were burnt; they thrown into sea, burnt alive, children’s killed and with highest difficulty around 600,000 Rohingya left Myanmar and came to Bangladesh and there was no help, support to them and in fact criticism. During the same period Pope visited Myanmar and he also did not say a single sentence to them instead he met that women in power and certified their acts. The crisis of Rohingya is going on, there were some dialogues only at media level amongst some Muslim rulers for some time and then again it all became silent.

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Pope Remains Silent On Rohingya Muslims In Myanmar Visit

Pope Remains Silent On Rohingya Muslims In Myanmar Visit

Similarly there are certain other bitter incidents of similar type taken place and amongst these one  incident that has taken place whereby the Pope Francis has visit Myanmar.Though they are claimants of peace but this Pope has demonstrated hypocrisy in his visit to Myanmar. This visit of his is peak of hypocrisy whereby first of all he visited a country where Muslims are being brutally butchered and then he did not even utter a single statement on Rohingya Muslims. He did this visit, met the government, and got all the protocols, big feasts and then he left for Bangladesh where he gave a dead statement that Rohingya Muslims should be supported. This is shameful for them that on one side they present their face as promoters of peace, safety but he did not even issue a single statement in favor of the Rohingya Muslims. Though his face is not political but he keeps on issuing statements for sheep, cats and he met the same killer government, rulers but did not said anything in favor of Muslims there.

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