Saturday 20 January 2018

Economic Crisis In Pakistan

Economic Crisis In Pakistan

Economic crisis in pakistan

Economic Crisis in Pakistan
 In national issue, the top of list is the same instability, political uncertainty, chaos, panic and disturbance which has always been there but sometimes it becomes extreme and at present that is ongoing where there is political instability, uncertainty which is affecting every division of country. It is evident when those governmental organizations who are running the country; they for the sake of power, personal interests clash with each other than nation, masses get forsaken. Then they tranquilize this in a very stupid manner. Whenever there is a political instability, they immediately arrange for a cricket match which soothes the community. It was there few days before that a musician’s brain was to be operated. He could not be made unconscious due to some risks, so for his tranquility they played music so that he got involved and they operated him, this was outside Pakistan. For Pakistani community the cure for every pain is cricket. When cricket is announced it means deep wounds has been inflicted or about to be inflicted. They send their teams or bring some other team. It is easy to pamper non serious people. This instability is effective on everyone and similarly these days more anxiety is being created about economy. I have been always saying one point which has now come as a witness on the tongues of the government.
I have said that that economy of Pakistan is destroyed to a dreadful level but no one discusses about this because no one cares for it. Their bank accounts, stomachs are full hence if the community economy is disturbed the rulers are not affected. Everything is to be suffered by the community, masses but this non serious community can be easily pampered. Eighteen hours power is not there but if cricket is going on the community will be pleased.
At present everyone is ringing danger bell. The Chief of Pakistan army has pointed towards economy and openly said this for the first time. He gave example that Soviet Union; Russia was the biggest power in the world, in terms of geography. Soviet Union even after division is still a big nation. The Army Chief said that the reason for Soviet Union being broken was not lack of forces but it was for lack of economy. They have taken up this subject now that our economy has come to this level.
The international finance groups have rang the danger bell and they have changed their policy towards Pakistan. Every country has an economic value and based on that global financial institutes gives them loans. It is for every individual or company like if you visit a shop to buy something and if you ask for credit, the shopkeepers give credit to some and not to others. This is based on the economic value of that person if he can pay back or not. If bank gives loan to someone they weigh his financial status. They don’t see the titles, names of persons and not by name or lineage they give loans. Everyone has a financial status and trading is done based on the value of that entity. These global institutes have devalued Pakistan and India has a big role in this in pursuing these institutes. They have seen how much export Pakistan is doing, how much they are buying, trading and that decides the economic policy and then do valuation. The situation of Pakistan has become such that international firms cannot deal with them anymore. The value of Pakistan economy will come down further and this is a bad news for us.
The reason for this are these politicians who are lavish people and in their lavishness they have got the nation inside the jaws of destruction. If some finance experts come and tell this to the community about what can happen and the upcoming days are destructive. In last few days the newspapers has published big conflicts between establishments and government. Whereby economy issue was raised for various purposes. But due to this raising of issue which government did not like this but due to this conflict certain things get exposed. This is because there is an effect, when the economic weakness of a country is exposed then foreign nations stop from investing in the country. At present only China is trying to support and do business in Pakistan but with this alarm others will stop.
The Pakistani labor which is working in Gulf countries was a big economical support for Pakistan. It was a big dependency for Pakistan whereby this labor was working outside and sending money to their families and home which has a national economical affect. The second effect is from those friend countries of Pakistan which are these Arab countries. The American think tank has dictated a new plan to modernize Saudi Arabia and they have changed their economic policies whereby they want to remove the expats and replace them with their own people to save their economy. The first thing they did was to get rid of Pakistani, similarly they are getting rid of Pakistani from UAE. The Qataris who have rented half of our country for hunting. But they are not giving work visa to Pakistani. Now gradually they will come out. As per Saudi Arab by 2030 no expats will remain there. The sources of job, work in our country is getting destroyed. The outside sources are getting diminished. The credit that was taken from outside is not being returned and interests are going up. Globally Pakistan will be declared as bankrupt. As India has said we will isolate Pakistan completely, fist they did diplomatically and now economically. But till the time Cricket is there we are not worried. They are now paying big money to foreign teams to come and play here. If they can spend same money on a power plant but cricket is the cure, ointment for the wounds of this nation. This is a very dangerous form of terrorism. The life of common man will be very difficult due to the effects of this economic crisis.

pakistan crisis 

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Difficulties For Arbaeen Pilgrims From Pakistan

Difficulties For Arbaeen Pilgrims From Pakistan

Difficulties for Arbaeen Pilgrims from Pakistan
The third issue as regards to Pakistan and especially for Shias is that people are preparing for Arbaeen of Imam Hussain (a.s). A big number visits there. The system of sending the pilgrims from the border to Iran first is very painful. There are issues from all regards for pilgrims especially from Quetta to the border there are big difficulties for believers. They go there and sit for weeks in Quetta and on border to send them securely. These transporters have become Mafia and take ransom from the people, disturb them and trouble them. They stop them in Quetta and on border, so that they can give ransom whatever they decide. Taftan is such a place where if you stop someone for a day also, people will be ready to give everything to come out. It is a dessert where there is nothing to eat, pray and for weeks the pilgrims are made to sit and trouble them, and then they will collect thousands from everyone so that they can be sent out. This is the mafia who takes advantage of Shia emotions. There are some Shias also involved in this who share their part. If we make demands from government that is useless. We have done rallies, protests on the streets this will not solve the issue. This government will not solve anything and they have never done. It is useless to demand from them. This work should be done by pilgrims and the leaders of caravan. They take so much money from people that they can make arrangements. There are organizations who beat the drums of community they don’t solve any problem but earn for themselves in the name of pain for community. These organizations have funds as well. They should make a department whose duty is to keep the pilgrims secure, make arrangements for making them reach safely from Quetta to border. They should not leave them on the mercy of these Mafia. The pilgrims take all the threats and go for pilgrim but these mafia are more dangerous then terrorists there. The pilgrims will be visiting for Arbaeen in big numbers and the mafia will trouble them. Those tours which are earning money from the pilgrims should make arrangements.
In global issues; the same old situation is going on and some painful issues have come.

Difficulties for arbaeen pilgrims from pakistan
Difficulties For Arbaeen Pilgrims From Pakistan

Positive Step In Iraq For Controlling Kurdish Fitnah.

Positive Step In Iraq For Controlling Kurdish Fitnah

One big topic that was started before was the division of Iraq, through referendum they wanted to break Iraq but a timely response from Iraq and their supporting nations like Iran have taken a big step. One big step was that Kirkuk which was a strategic city of Iraq where there are big oil reserves. In Kurdistan of Iraq there are three big regions; Erbil, Kirkuk and Solaymania. Kirkuk was under control of ISIS as well as Kurds where they were selling oil from there in smuggled way to Turkey. Erdogan has looted the oil reserves from Iraq. Hashad e Shabi and Iraqi forces have taken back Kirkuk without a battle. The Kurds ran away from the city and Iraqi government has taken it back from there. This was a step which was taken too control this Fitnah and has been done successful. They are announcing to take further regions and airports and want to bring Kurdistan completely under central governance which is a good step.


Syria and Yemen

Syria and Yemen
In Syria we can say that the war has reached its final decisive stage. The major areas of ISIS has been taken away from them and they are only restricted to some very small area. The major areas have been taken over by Iran, Russia and Hezbollah. One area of Raqqa is such that there are American supported terrorists there, in place of ISIS. This might go for some time but ISIS will be out soon and Syria and Iraq will be pure from ISIS soon
There is severity in the Yemen battle from both sides. Yemeni people have suffered due to bombardment, and Saudi allies have also faced losses from Yemeni side.


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Monday 15 January 2018

Deadliest blast in somalia

twin blast in mogadishu
Blast in somalia

The most undesirable thing that has happened apart from Afghanistan blasts which are happening regularly but more painful has been the blast in Somalia where 300 have been killed and many wounded but this was not given much media coverage. Somalia is a ruined state and not identified as well. Somalia is 98% Muslims who are African Muslims on the sea shore facing the Gulf countries. On the other side of Arab countries there is Somalia, Ethiopia and Muslims are there. The global network which the Arab, West Satan’s have made also has a wing there. The group in Somalia is known as Ash Shabab. Since long time Somalia is victim of these difficulties. It is a war, destroyed state with no source of economy. In Somalia the first insecurity is; the tribal culture, the tribes have made governments and a big area is where there is terrorist control. Ziad Bare who was the famous dictator of Somalia and in his era these issues started, then he was ousted and from that time issues have started. There is one terrorist group in neighboring country of Kenya and Nigeria as Boko Haram. Boko Haram is the same extremist ideology whereby they declare themselves against to everything coming from Europe. It is a terrorist group which has affected Kenya and Nigeria. There has been war between Somalia and Kenya as well. This is the global terrorist network which have different names; like Taliban, Al Qaeda, ISIS, Ash Shabab and Boko Haram. Their names re different but foundations are same because the founder is same; that is the Arab nations, Ale Saud. The same thinking of Wahhabi, Salafi is creating extremism. They are the ones who create this barbaric face. They have gone to a pubic center and blasted with trucks of explosives where 300 persons died instantly and many wounded. Such a big incident took place and no one gave the news also the way it deserves. In newspaper also a small news comes in the inside pages. This is the bad omen of Arabs whose effects are seen everywhere.

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America Targets IRGC In Iran

America targets IRGC in Iran
The other issue which is there in global news is the issue of America and Iran. America is continuously raising pressure on Iran, enhancing restrictions and the nuclear deal which was done between P5+1; America wants to end that completely. Every three months that contract is reviewed and signed off but Trump has not signed this time and looks like that it will be terminated. In Iran also there is sensitivity and Leader has also given a very hard statement about American intentions and made the community attentive towards this.
America has got the weakness of Iranians that they are afraid of sanctions and not afraid of bombs, wars, martyrdom. This weakness has been shown from inside Iran that through sanctions you can get everything accepted. The way leader has said earlier that this nuclear contract is not the final one. If you accept this, they will move forward. If they have stopped nuclear plan now they are asking to stop the missile system. Iran has become a very powerful missile power. North Korea, Pakistani, India, South Korea and Iran make powerful missiles in this region which can target across continent. The way America can fire long range missiles, the same technology is with Iran. They want to end this and more than this they want to end IRGC also. At present they are pushing this through Trump. But the dangerous part is that there are elements inside the government who are taking advantage of this situation. There are anti revolutionaries inside who are only afraid of IRGC which cannot be taken over by them. It is a big force of Iran which has defeated enemies everywhere. There are people inside the country as well who are annoyed with IRGC and many attempts are made. The President has also tried to make liberal approaches but IRGC comes in between. They say that IRGC is the powerful shoulder of Leader. America’s actual objective is removing the Wilayat regime which can be only achieved by removing IRGC. Saudi has said that any cost of bringing down the Iranian regime will be paid by them. They knew that by fighting with IRGC they will not be successful, but by putting sanctions on Iran and IRGC they will put pressure on public and they want to achieve this. They have fought and seen that Iranians cannot be defeated. This force has fought for 8 yrs with Iraq, then outside also in Syria, Iraq they have defeated American brewed forces. So they now want to cut this shoulder of leader and they have planned this through their think tank. Their think tanks have told them that it is impossible to end the Islamic revolution and Islami governance in Iran unless IRGC is there. On one side trump has taken this step and inside Iranian government there are elements who are passing signals and taking the same motives inside Iran. But as I said this deception of Satan will be faced by deception of Allah and that will be dominant. There have been many Fitnah’s done by global powers with the support of insane Arabs but the revolution has been victorious always and this fool Trump will again be disgraced as before.

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