Thursday 25 January 2018

Netanyahu Visit To India Dangerous For Muslims

Netanyahu Visit To India Dangerous For Muslims

The most important news and also significant for Pakistan is the six days visit of Israeli Prime Minister to India. Generally such diplomatic trips are not so long but he went for six days and has visited various cities. This news is very important for Pakistan but astonishingly we have not taken this seriously and not taken any notice. Neither our media, government, public have shown any importance; and neither do the political, religious groups as they are busy in their own protests work. They do not realize what is happening in their neighborhood and what sensitivity it has for them. The Israeli Prime Minister is visiting India with a delegation of 130 persons mostly traders of weapons companies and security equipment’s, and he is making contracts there. India and Israel are big trade partners. After America for Israel the biggest trade partner is India. As regards to weapons India is the biggest buyer from Israel. Israel makes the most dangerous weapons and India purchases from them first.
 But the most important reason for this visit is to use the Israeli experience of Palestine in Kashmir by India. But we have not seen any sensitivity towards this in Pakistan and even of ordinary nature. The community of Pakistan are as such blind followers and go after wherever media takes them. The community gets up on non-issue but on big issues they remain silent because media has not said anything. Israel coming on the border of Pakistan is very dangerous. Pakistan is the only atomic power in the Islamic world. And Israel is the biggest enemy of Muslims and they don’t tolerate Atomic power present in any Muslim country. Some countries that did Israel got them attacked and destroyed their atomic power bases like in Iraq; they destroyed the atomic plant in Libya, Syria and are attacking Sudan. They destroyed everywhere and only Pakistan is left. As per some past news Israel has made the plans several times to destroy the atomic plants of Pakistan. A news that came on Social media which I don’t know if that is authentic or not but kept on moving on social media for long time that they have got over a Pakistani pilot through whom they wanted to destroy the Pakistan’s atomic power. Israel knows that if any Muslim country has atomic weapon; even if that is not used anywhere else it will be fore sure used on Israel. Hence India and Israel are both staunch enemies of Pakistan and they are firming up their relationships.
The Indian Prime Minister Modi’s identity is of Muslim enmity and his enmity of Pakistan, Muslims Islam is not hidden from anyone. At present these both Anti-Islam state heads are sitting hand in hand and there is absolute silence in Pakistan on this. Israel is dangerous on several aspects in this region; the foremost being for Kashmir. From the time Modi has become Prime Minister of India the situation in Kashmir with Indian infiltration has seen big changes. The Indian forces have been carrying out operations, oppressions and interference in Kashmir since seventy years but in last two years there has been a big change and has become very much similar to what Israel is doing in Gaza and Palestinian areas. The same is being done by India in Kashmir. It is evident that daily several flights that run between India and Israel, whereby trading goods, merchants and others are moving in and out.
The way Pakistan has given many regions like Cholistan to Arabs and Gwadar to China. Similarly in India there is a specific big area has been given to Israel where only Israeli’s are going there and Indians are not allowed to go there. Israeli forces are the world’s most scared forces. They have twenty four hours fear that anytime an attack can happen and they will die. They have fear of Hezbollah, Iran and Palestine. The forces that feel such kind of pressure they get mentally distressed. Israel forces are the world’s most mentally disturbed forces. Hence they have taken a region in India where Israel forces go there for rest. They come here for holidays and feel peace in that region in India. They stay for long time and get relaxed.  Israeli forces are biggest victim of drugs. They are drug addicted force. They are tyrannical and sexually corrupt. Israel takes woman from across the world and supplies to the forces, so that they stay in the army and don’t run away. These licentious girls from different countries are supplied to the forces, so that they are busy and don’t run away. They are allowed to drink, do corruption with such women and this is a big business in Israel to supply such women in Israel. They always have the fear and tension of Palestinians. We cannot assess this because security is a big bounty. If you see Pakistan even we are much better collectively. Israelis cannot sleep, they have to take medicines. In order to keep their forces intact they have to do all this and India supports them a lot to preserve their forces. They have given their full region to them.
America has prepared India for encountering China. America is massaging India like a wrestler to get them out in the ring with China. Trump as such is the owner of the Wrestling Company in America and other are women trafficking. He has this experience of wrestling business as to how they make the body of a person like a bull and he is an actor. They just do acting and foolish people see and then feel that a very dangerous fight is going on. Trump is massaging India as per his wrestling principles to get into encounter with China. China has given a warning yesterday to India on some silly steps India took that be careful you foolish people, this will cost you a lot. China is not like before, they have become very aggressive and not like before that they will step back. They are ready for an encounter with America. China has prepared their warfare and invested a lot and developing a political influence in the region and wants its military warfare better then America and Russia.
 From the time Israel and Modi has allied, the tone of India against Pakistan has changed. You can read your Pakistani newspaper there is a firing going every day on Pakistan border. Everyday Pakistani soldiers get killed. They are also replying but India starts it. India provokes the Pakistan forces and want Pakistan to take such step as a result of which they can attack aggressively. India has taken the complete borders of Pakistan under their control due to the internal issues of Pakistan and our borders have become insecure. A long border is directly with India; the other border is with Afghanistan where India has reached. The third border is of Iran with whom India has made good relationship whereas Pakistan has spoiled that relationship. The only border that is left is of China. Now India has started to provoke Pakistan. And Pakistan has also hopes from China that they will save them.
The Israeli Prime Minister coming for six days in this context is for a long term plan to carry out military and business contracts, and provide services for crushing Muslims. All this is for Muslims only because one common point between India and Israel is enmity of Muslims. There is other common point also between India and Israel which will also bring them more closely is that both are against Christianity and enemies of Christians.  Hindus are very sensitive about Christians more than the sensitivity they have for Muslims. And the Jews also are equally sensitive about Christians. Hence Israel has found an alternative friend also because Europe is also Christians. In future if the European friends isolate Israel on the basis of religion then Israel has another firm friend who is partner to Israel in enmity against Christianity as well. Hence this friendship of Israel and India is dangerous for both Pakistan and Muslims.

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Saudi, Emirates In Panic With Houthi’s Raining Missiles

Saudi, Emirates In Panic With Houthi’s Raining Missiles

Another topic that is in news headlines that Houthi militias in Yemen have been targeting missiles every day on Ale Saud like rain and Ale Saud are in panic. Saudi are claiming that we are destroying their missiles in air only as they have an anti-missile system from America which can stop missiles. This is one phase as they are now launching such missiles which can be stopped but they are able to stop inside Saudi Arabia. This has created a big panic in Saudi and Emirates as all their strategic position has come under the range of Yemeni missile. Yemeni have started to continuously launch missiles now on daily basis

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Resistance To US Backed Kurdish Force In Syria

Resistance To US Backed Kurdish Force In Syria

In Syria a big step is being taken. Whatever America has made in Syria has been ended with disgrace. Arabs America, Israel, Turkey and all forces they made everything got destroyed in the most disgraceful manner. Iran, Syria, Hezbollah and Russia destroyed them. The actual decisive stage came with the involvement of Russia but the resistance shown by the three was phenomenal. The battle that was started for 21 days and they wanted to finish Syria in 21 days, end the Bashar government , establish a Takfiristan and then move towards Iraq. But now in 5 yrs also they could not do it, they got defeated, killed, some of their forces have ran away and very little area of Syria is left which are only those areas where some American forces, Kurd and Turkish forces are there. 
America is trying a new conspiracy now by making a new force with Kurds against the Syrian government and this force will be set up with American support and they will again start a new phase of Fitnah and insecurity in Syria. This is a very dangerous announcement which they have done. As I said before the most effective and last card for America and European Union is Kurd Fitnah as rest all cards have failed. This card they will use and make the region insecure. The Kurds are settled around four countries; Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey; and America has promised them to make a new nation for them as Kurdistan. America is supporting all the Kurds in these four countries. In Iraq they tried also to get a referendum done but they got defeated and Barzani had to resign also. Turkey has resisted strongly that if America tries to make this force we will destroy it in its sperm itself. Iran also has given strong statement that we all will attack in the first step only and destroy this Fitnah. Similar statement has been issued by Syria as well. Iraq is silent since their government is more under American influence. But these three countries have openly declared that if this force is made we will destroy it in the initial stages itself and not allow it to be made.
America wants to break the four countries and divide them into Kurd and Non Kurd. It is necessary that these four countries should unite and they are almost united expect Syria and Turkey; which is also being resolved through Russia and Turkey has changed its policy as regards to Syria. Russia is with these countries. As I said before also America wants to start one front against china and another against Russia. China is preparing in one way and Russia also is preparing in another way. China has almost taken Pakistan out from America and relationship with America for Pakistan is almost near to end in which China had a big role and is beneficial for Pakistan to break this relationship at the earliest.
Russia is increasing its power and also eyeing on Pakistan as well and Russia needs this strong force present in the region. China is eyeing on the Pakistan resources, market and the Russia is eyeing on the strong Pakistan army present in this region which can be used against America and they are also trying on their own to develop relationship with Pakistan. Russia wants to play a big role in international policy.  You can keep this mind that Russia, China along with other nation are trying to end the global status of America and that status of America being the only global superpower has almost ended. With the policies of Trump the American status has further weakened and Russia wants to take big advantage of this situation. There is also a case going on in America whereby Russia has influenced the victory of Trump in America through campaigns on social media. Even if this is an exaggeration and not correct also, and if Russia has done this then this is a big achievement.
Russia has always been under the pressure of American policies and it is first time that America has come under the policies of America. It is possible also because the current President of Russia; Vladimir Putin has been the head of KGB; the special and most dangerous secret agency of Russia and has been trained by the agencies. He is amongst the shrewdest politicians of this era. Since he has been trained by KGB he has more talent in intelligence activities as compared to others and cleverness. He has a strong conviction to break America and he is trying every possible tactic. He is trying to interfere inside America and also in other regions Russia is increasing the power to get into a big encounter with America and take revenge. Russia was Soviet Union, a big empire and not what it is now. It was broken up by America into various parts and they want to take revenge. Russia now says that we want to divide the 52 states of America into 52 countries and Russia has taken steps for this. America has been dominating the world by rowdiness and threats on nations and Russia now wants to take advantage of the same. As the media says Russia made Trump victorious so that Trump will make such policies which will give losses to America and give opportunities to other countries like China, Russia to come up in power. Till now the activities of Trump are proving that he is giving enough opportunity to these nations through his policies. Thus Russia also has interests in this area and Kurd nation will not be formed.

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Message Of Pakistan- Good But Not Enough For Ending Terrorism

Message Of Pakistan- Good But Not Enough For Ending Terrorism

An incident that took place last week in Pakistan for which they have prepared the grounds since long.  Last week a statement was presented by the President in the President house. It was statement presented and given the title of “Message of Pakistan” (Paigham-e-Pakistan). This message was signed by 1839 scholars of various sects; Deobandi, Barelvi, Ahle Hadith, Shias and all other sects. This is a common statement of 1839 scholars which government has prepared against terrorism and suicide bombing which has besieged Pakistan since thirty years. Now they have prepared this statement from scholars and the President has declared this as a formal state statement and has got the status of constitution. In this statement after thirty years they have declared suicide bombing, terrorism and killing people in the name of Islam as forbidden (Haraam). In this Jihad has been declared as the rights of the government and no one else can declare Jihad. This statement has been issued after thirty years and they have got it signed by scholars and presented to the world as a state level statement.
This is a good step though the names of the scholars are not mentioned yet. If there are 1839 scholars who have signed against terrorism then if you want to get the signatures of those who favor terrorism then there would be 18,390 scholars who will sign in favor considering the situation of Pakistan. If you see from where terrorism has sprouted in Pakistan then those in favor are much more. There would be some who will sign on both in favor and against terrorism. It has been mentioned in this statement that one who does Jihad without state permission will be considered as rebellion. The government is expressing this step in a big way as if it was the last nail in the coffin of Terrorism and now terrorism will completely end. This is false imagination but at a collective level this is a good step but to think that terrorism will end with this is simplicity. In Pakistan terrorism is deeply rooted and Terrorism has its own roots and causes. Terrorism did not started with one statement so how can it end with one statement. Statement is something good and we testify the step taken by the government and scholars is correct even though it is late after thirty years. This is simplicity and raw thinking that with this statement terrorism will end in Pakistan.
Terrorism in Pakistan is quite matured and it has acquired the status of a school of thought in Pakistan. This means it has become a firm vision and there are supporters of this vision. There are many governmental and non-governmental elements involved in this. They have taken a lot of efforts to nurture and establish terrorism and that is not something normal. The literates, media, Army generals, education institutes, scholars, people, Madrassah’s, businessman have played a dreadful, scary role in terrorism. They have made Pakistan as a school for terrorism, a method has been established and from here they have spread Terrorism across the world and amongst the Arabs. They came from there only but used this land, the people, parties, means and this is how they penetrated terrorism in Pakistan. There has nothing else that has penetrated so deeply in Pakistan other than terrorism. After this keeping this expectation that terrorism will end with a statement is simplicity. We can consider the statement as a first step amongst the reasonable steps but after this the next steps are to be taken.
I have already mentioned this always that any battle which is started against any Fitnah or terrorism; if that is against its effects and consequences will be failed battle. This is an intellectual and philosophical principle that any battle that is fought against effects, results and outcomes will be unsuccessful. Like malaria is spread through mosquitoes and if you start a battle against malaria and not mosquitoes this will never be successful. If Malaria is spread with mosquitoes then you have to fight against Mosquitoes. In philosophy there are terminologies “Illat” and “Malool”. “Illat” means the cause and “Malool” are the effects, results of that cause. Like Malaria is caused by mosquitoes, or by drinking adulterated water Hepatitis disease spreads. We don’t remove the adulteration of water but instead start an encounter against Hepatitis. This is an unsuccessful battle. The way this is a failure in diseases, weather, atmosphere similarly in community affairs and even in economy this is a failed battle to fight with effects and results rather than cause. This is a common intellectual, philosophical principle that wherever there is a cause for any crisis and if you target the effect and don’t touch the cause then be assured that you will fail. You have to start a battle with the cause.
There has been a fight against terrorism in Pakistan but now an intention has been made. This intention has been made late and that too with non-intellectual reasons. It is not due to sympathy with community and nation. It is for some commercial benefits because some countries like China who are investing money in Pakistan have put up his condition that we will not invest in Pakistan unless terrorism ends in Pakistan. Hence you have now made this intention that we have to end terrorism. But you have made this intention after thirty years that terrorism should end. For thirty years either you have enhanced it or supported it or remained indifferent to it which has given big losses. Now when you have made this intention then it is necessary to start the encounter against the causes of terrorism. The causes are multiple if we express in details. But what I have already mentioned before that there are three major root causes.
One is the Takfirist thinking which gives the vision that anyone who does not thinks like us is an infidel and obligator to kill. Everyone knows who has this thinking, which school has this vision and where are their centers. Even now also those centers have the same thinking. 1839 scholars have issued the statement that terrorism is Haraam, shedding blood is forbidden, suicide bombing is Haraam but they have not written that to declare Muslims as infidel is also Haraam and to declare Muslims as obligatory to kill also as Haraam. They have not written anything about the school which possesses this vision. Thus I said that in this statement there are many who have supported terrorism and now they are doing hypocrisy by aligning with the government to declare this as Haraam. Are they not the same persons who openly supported terrorism? Have you forgotten their conferences on media? They were the faces who said that the Pakistani soldiers who get killed in fighting with Taliban are not martyrs and Taliban are martyred. They declared terrorists as martyred and they are ones who have signed on both sides. If these 1839 are like this then we should bid farewell on this. If they are those who are not ready to even given the title of Martyrs to those crusading soldiers of Army, police, FC who gave their lives in fighting terrorists. This statement would become ineffective if such kind of faces are present.
In Pakistan this statement deserves to say that shedding blood of any human being is a crime and rebellion with state and should be considered as betrayal by law and law should punish them. Then the terrorism can end in Pakistan. But these centers were not touched, all their setups are in place. The places which are mother of terrorism and from where the verdicts of Shia Kafir (infidels) are issued are still in palace. Have you nullified all those past verdicts? First nullify all the verdicts (Fatwa’s) that were related to Shias declaring them as infidels (Kafir). Get those Muftis in front of media and ask them to do repentance and ask for forgiveness for the verdicts they have issued. They should seek forgiveness from the entire community and state, then the state can forgive them. Then this will be become the fight against the causes of terrorism.
The second cause for terrorism is state sponsorship. Few months ago the country’s state agency has given the name of 77 persons of Parliament, MNA as supporters of terrorism. This is not what I am saying or media is saying; the list has been issued by the secret agency of Pakistan in which the current Pakistan government member’s names are also there. These members protested also that how their names are issued. When a government parliament has 77 persons from 250 member Parliament then what can we say. In Jhang elections the son of a big terrorist contested for elections and neither the government, election council, Supreme Court nor anyone else stopped him and he won with big majority. Those who confess that we are terrorists and we will do this but no one stopped them and they went into parliament. This means you accept that terrorism is sponsored by state, they are supported by the state for the sake of votes and other interests. This is a big cause which should be ended. Till date in Pakistan not a single case has been filed on a government officer for supporting terrorism. First bring their names out, punish them, and seize all their wealth, property. If you want to end terrorism then control this group which is supporting, sponsoring and promoting terrorism.
Then the foreign countries; there are two types of supporters of terrorism; one are the friend nations and others are enemies. The friendly nations have given more damages to Pakistan then the enemies. The enemy nations are India and Israel who have supported terrorism in Pakistan. But the friend country has done bigger destruction then enemies. In this specifically the Arab nations. Who does not know what the Arabs have done with their filthy accursed money in Pakistan and how they financed terrorism in Pakistan Is any Arab nation given warning till date? Is any Arab embassy been stopped? Is any Arab money stopped from coming here? Every day there is a government and non-government statement that if something happens with Ale Saud we will support. Every day they call you and you go there. They send money and take from here any person they want to. Then how can terrorism end in Pakistan. If you want to end terrorism then control the roots and if we assume that it can end with statements then this is false imagination. As I said this intention is present there in Pakistan to end terrorism, but this you have to come all out, the state should use all powers and the biggest power of the state is the community. The people’s power should be used to stop terrorism. People should be awakened and they can do this. But they need terrorist groups. The terrorist groups do programs in the name of Defense of Pakistan, everyone in the world knows they are terrorists then how can we end terrorism.
There are other causes like senselessness of people, Western affiliation, poverty, unemployment, lack of education, useless rulers, failure of educational institutes are big causes. First it was Madrassahs but now terrorism has moved into universities. Since past two years no terrorist has been caught from Madrassah and all have been arrested from universities. From big known private and government universities. Those who carried out big terrorist operations were university graduates. The last incident of terrorism that took place in Pakistan was done by PHD doctor; professor of Karachi University did the terrorist attack.  So can terrorism can end with this steps of statement. It is true that establishment has an intention to end terrorism but this intention should become a communal intention. The people of Pakistan are unconcerned, despaired and they have a very strange state that they do not participate in anything. They just wait for their turn of death as to when it comes. The step which they have to take they are not prepared for that. The state, scholars and educational institutes should awaken the people so that for the sake of nation, community and for their own survival this people’s awakening can end terrorism from Pakistan.


Wednesday 24 January 2018

Attack In Baghdad - Pressure On Hashad Us Shabi

Attack In Baghdad - Pressure On Hashad Us Shabi

In international affairs, one sad event was last week then a suicide attempt was done in Iraq and that too on a downtrodden, oppressed category of people; who are labors. The labor workers stand at their depot in morning where they get daily work and the attack was done there in Baghdad and big number of martyrdoms took place. In Iraq even though the ISIS control has been taken over but still terrorists are present and strong at various locations and the difficulty of Iraq is that the Iraqi government is not independent, they are under dominance of America.
The movement of anti-terrorism which started effectively in Iraq, specifically with Hashad us Shabi, the peoples force played an important role by cleansing terrorism spots from the country. Now there is an international pressure and specifically Ale Saud wants to end them. All forces or Arab, America, West, Israel are united to somehow end two groups in the region; one is Hezbollah in Lebanon and second is Hashad us Shabi, they want to unarm them and transform them as political groups. In Lebanon it is not easy as Hezbollah is strong but in Iraq those sitting above Hashad us Shabi listen to outsiders, come under pressure, and take decisions also and such things can happen, though such signs are not seen yet and they don’t want to end this force. Since political parties, religious leaders are harassed by Hashad us Shabi. This is because with Hashad us Shabi present no one will get a chance to play in Iran and this way Hashad us Shabi will take full control. Then the same same status of Hashad us Shabi will become like that of Hezbollah in Lebanon. If Hashad us Shabi becomes a big power in Iraq then it will be a problem for the Iraqi leadership and also for other political parties as they cannot do what they are doing now when an armed force is present inside. Hence there is a pressure on them to end Hashad us Shabi. This was grievous incident and we pray for their families and them.

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Tuesday 23 January 2018

Severity In Filthy Elections Politics In Pakistan

Severity In Filthy Elections Politics In Pakistan

In national issues there are some important matters amongst them one is the political instability in which a new wave has started in terms of various protests, sit-ins carried out by political parties of various thoughts; that is secular, religious have all come together in politics to bring down the current government which is indulged into corruption. They are trying to make use of everything to reach their purpose. Even if there is an aggression done on a child they use that as well for their political interests. If there is some social matter, even if there is a weather issue they will use that as well against the government to start strikes and there is a peak of political instability. There are four months left for elections but the power hungry, lustful for power are not ready to wait even for few months. As such the country is victim of political instability and on top of that they are triggering such issue to trouble the people, the nation and worsening the economic situation. On top of that the role of media is such that they have created a storm of destruction. There are non-serious leaders, parties and media who until yesterday were abusing each other as criminals, thieves, dacoits and were ready to kill each other but are today standing on the same stage as allies. This is the satanic politics of Pakistan where religious with non-religious are doing alliance and people not possessing Taqwa are sacrificing religion, dignity all for politics. They are using the name of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) also in politics. They are asking vote in the name of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s).
One government ignorant person did some change in the election pledge document; in that the statement of I swear was changed to I accept so as to create some room for another sect and on this the political parties came out and did what all they could do; and for the opposition it turned into political issue and they played a lot. Now that has become an issue and they are seeking vote in the name of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s). The one who does not votes for them will be considered as the enemy of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s). When they have made their slogan in the elections the name of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) and so one who does not votes for them will be considered as the enemy of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s). They have already announced the verdict for the enemy of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s). They have made a slogan in protests that “Gustakh e Nabi ki his ek his saza, Sar tan se Juda” (Punishment for one who insults the Prophet is beheading). This is the verdict they have issued. So who is the one who will insult the Prophet? One who does not votes for their party. And his punishment will be beheading. This is the politics they are playing. Every sect is using some sanctities of religion. Some will seek vote in the name of Companions of Prophet, some in the name of Prophet, some in the name of Ahlulbayt. Now all these will become political parties; that is companions will be one party; Ahlulbayt another party and Prophet another party. They will be introduced as political parties. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) will be sacrilege in the elections and then they are preparing to behead each other. There was a filthy politics that was already going on but has developed severity. Let Allah protect us from their evil.

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Monday 22 January 2018

Week Of Unity

Week Of Unity

It is the month of Rabi ul Awwal which is an esteemed month of grandeur. This month is associated with the celebrations of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) and our sixth Imam (a.s). This event has a sanctity across the world, where the beliefs are expressed and specifically the days from 12th RA to 17th RA is the week of unity. The entire Muslims Ummah should also spend these days in unity because the tactic of enemy is to create discord. These are the days when the believers and entire Muslim Ummah even if they just raise the slogan of Unity carries importance because the voice of unity against Taghoot has an importance and effect. They have the slogan of hatred, discord and it is the duty of believers to plant the seed of unity. Unity is not a political tactic but instead an order of Allah which has been forgotten by Ummah and to claim faith without this is not correct. The believers everywhere should arrange for gatherings and rallies for celebration. Here also there will be efforts made for celebrations where believers should come together and express their love, faith for the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s). This nation of Iqbal should get enlightened with the name of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s), and the unity, brotherhood of the Ummah is the best gift which the Ummah can present to Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s). All other things we do like eulogies etc. carry happiness for us but we should do at least one such thing that grants happiness to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) which will only happen through unity and brotherhood of Ummah. Any step that is taken in this direction will be more effective and praiseworthy as compared to praises for any poems, eulogies. The value of any step taken for the sake of unity is very high and will carry high rewards.
We pray to Allah to grant vastness to the efforts of these crusaders who got freedom from ISIS and the actual crown goes to none other than the Supreme Leader of Islamic revolution Ayatullah Syed Ali Khamenei (r.a).

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Downfall Of Ale Saud Royal Family

Downfall Of Ale Saud Royal Family

One more important news hitting the headlines daily is the downfall of Saudi Royal family. This insane, foolish Mohammad bin Salman who is dreaming about become an emperor of modern Saudi Arabia arrested several members of Saudi Royal family and punished them. It was there in the news today that he hanged them upside down inside the hotel in which he had besieged them. There were more than five hundred most effective persons from Royal family related to trade, business, and army, politics who were arrested and put inside jail. It was there in news that he has called American private Security force Black Water. Black water has been involved in Yemen; Iraq and for some time they were present in Pakistan as well. They are a more dreadful agency then ISIS whereby disgraced criminals are taken, trained and their attires, make ups are made dreadful and like a Hollywood film they carry out operations. Mohammad bin Salman has taken the services of Blackwater for torturing the princes who he arrested. They as a first step have made the Princes hang upside down in Hotel and this is the beginning and God willing very soon Mohammad bin Salman will also be hanging upside down in the same place. This is the beginning of the end of this accursed family which has started from inside. The way I said last week that all the Spider politics which he made have all failed. Both Trump and Mohammad bin Salman are haunted by Iran. They don’t talk about anything else other than Iran. They even scare their wives from Iran and their people, Arab world and the entire world that Iran is very dangerous. Bin Salman like a film cartoon has stepped in the ground who gets disgraced. You would have seen a cartoon by the name Pink Panther. Though that animal is very powerful but in that cartoon it is shown as very timid, weak and disgraced. This is a pink colored Leopard but most of the times get beaten by mouse, cat, fly and always gets humiliated.  Bin Salman is a similar Pink Panther. 
This Arab NATO which he has made has a conference few days from now. He has started military drills along with Pakistan and this is the preparation he is doing against Iran. He has made this Arab NATO in which only few countries have practically got involved and rest all he has paid money and kept them under alliance. He is trying to take all steps aginst Iran.
One step he has taken against Iran is in Lebanon. Since Lebanon is a strong base of Iran and hence in order to bash Iran in Lebanon through Israel he played this conspiracy. He made Saad Hariri to resign so that a crisis gets created in Lebanon and protests would start in Lebanon, which will be confronted by Hezbollah, Iran and then Israel will step inside and deal with Iran. But all this went against him and Saad Hariri himself has now gone against them. He has taken back his resignation and has met the Lebanese President. This card of bin Salman failed. He went after Qatar to isolate it; but it became more strong and closer to Iran though it has been always against Iran. He broke the Arab league also and now Oman., Qatar are openly against him. He called a gathering of Arab league and only the nominees of Bahrain, Saudi Araba yelled on Iran and rest nothing happened. Whatever step he took went against him and got disgraced. Now he is calling a conference on 26th for the Arab NATO in which Defense representatives of these nations will participate to make a war policy. These are his step which the entire world is attentive towards and are a sign that this family will get wiped off soon. People are now waiting for reactions from inside Saudi Arabia. The Wahhabi extremists, member of Royal family are all present in Saudi Arabia and the entire atmosphere of Saudi Arabia is under state of shock.
There is a question as to why no reaction has been seen till now? Neither the religious group spoke out, nor anyone from royal family, nor people or any other group. The Media is giving this impression that this silence is because of acceptance of Mohammad bin Salman by everyone. Media is telling that people are happy that this person has come for growth and prosperity of Saudi Arabia. This is not true. The reason is that Saudi Arabia and similar states are rental states which gives compensations to their people for reaming silent. They have made their people useless. There is no leader, opposition and nothing other than Royal family. Even the Royal family did not expect that a day will come when they will be hanged upside down. There are countries in which there are groups, oppositions which show immediate reaction if something happens from state. But in Saudi they were never prepared for this. Now they have started to think and do preparations and it takes time in such nations where there is no leader, opposition, media and no freedom. It takes time for different powers to ally and show reactions. There will be definite reactions from inside and outside Saudi also the foolishness which he is doing might end him before time.
Iran has as such openly said that we don’t want this battle with Ale Saudi on any land. This is a wise politics that this war should not take place as it is highly destructive. But a time comes when war is imposed the way Saddam imposed then it has to be fought. It is certain that the first day of this war would be the last day for Ale Saud. This is amongst established fact. We can see the war ability of Ale Saud from Yemen. They are fighting in Yemen with supersonic warfare and in Yemen the weakest people are there and in these years they could not even capture an inch from Yemen though they have ruined Yemen and in fact Yemenis have gone inside Saudi. Now the Yemenis are launching missiles inside Saudi. Hence when you cannot fight with the poorest people of Yemen living in deserts, barefoot then you are getting into a confrontation with such a powerful nation which has all war machinery. It is just a matter of yesterday that they have bashed you brutally in Iraq and Syria. They have rubbed your nose on ground and you are planning to fight with them? This is a foolishness and this happens when someone is in rush for his own destruction. God willing Allah will give salvation to all Muslims from their evils.

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Sunday 21 January 2018

Robert Mugabe – Icon Of Anti Imperialism

Robert Mugabe – Icon Of Anti Imperialism

One more important incident that took place last week was in Zimbabwe. As such we Pakistani only know Zimbabwe in context of Cricket team but don’t know where that country is. Zimbabwe is in the southern part of Africa and is in the neighbor of South Africa (the last southern edge country of Africa). Since last few weeks Zimbabwe is in the news headlines. The reason behind is that the Zimbabwe President; Robert Mugabe who is the ruler of Zimbabwe since forty years and has won the election seventh time to come into power got ousted from Presidency. His personality, politics is unique in entire Africa. Robert Mugabe has been made to resign at the age of ninety three years from Presidency due to a military coup against him. Due this coup he has been forced to leave the rulership at the age of ninety three. This person is an icon of anti-imperialism movement in Africa. He has played a significant role in the movement to get freedom for Zimbabwe from Britain and then also in the politics of Zimbabwe.
Certain parts of Africa are rich and some parts are poor but the Africa towards the South which is surrounded by water from three sides is a rich area. It has oil, gas and mines of minerals, gold and diamonds. The lands are highly fertile, beautiful place and cultivated. In this part of Africa there is a big population of white skinned persons though Africa is dominated by Blacks. The white skins over here means Western people and not just British. All persons with white skins are not English. These white skins persons in big numbers have settled in Africa. When West became insecure with Hitler starting war and entire Europe was almost ruined then at the time when these people were starving and in pursuit of security they migrated to South Africa. Their numbers increased and they started to rule over the locals there. They made an atmosphere of racism which was then confronted by the movement of Nelson Mandela who finished the government of whites and made a united or black government. Nelson Mandela is an icon aginst racism, communism in Africa but he is not an opponent of Imperialism.
Robert Mugabe is a communal person and he keeps the foundation on African communism. He is against the white skinned, Britain, America and Imperialism. Robert Mugabe is that person who had a vision about the downtrodden and backwardness of Africa. Africa which is rich, fertile land but most of the people live under poverty, oppression and are deprived of basic necessities of life. I also got the opportunity to see one or two places in Africa also though they were not that poor but certain nations in Africa are highly downtrodden. Robert Mugabe believes the cause for all the backwardness, lowliness of African is due to Western People and it is true. All the wealth that is present in Africa is looted by West. France is deeply involved in many African countries and still certain countries of Africa are completely under France even now. Similarly certain areas are under Britain, Italy and above all these is America. The locals are their slaves and still the worst form of slavery is in Africa. These mines whose wealth is being looted by the West has all locals as labors.
In the neighborhood of Zimbabwe are Namibia, Zambia, Botswana who are all rich and they have highly valuable mines. The whites and even Arabs specifically Lebanese are settled there. Robert Mugabe freedom for his country from these people of West and then after that he got the lands also out from them. All the lands, farms, mines which were captured by West he took from them and gave it to Blacks. This way Mugabe become an icon of resistance against white skinned persons globally. The Western world together boycotted Zimbabwe in a cruel manner. Their currency is the most invaluable in the world. This way they destroyed them and despite of this this person remained firm against them. He got elected as the President seven times and around two times he was the Prime Minister. They have besieged him since long and there was high pressure on Mugabe and they wanted to end him because he has become an example for other African nations, who might get impressed with him and tread in the same direction of confronting Western interests in the region.
Hence with pressure running over half a century they have pursued him to resign under a military coup. As such he is ninety three and a person of this age as such is not capable of running a government. At this stage for most of the people organs fail, they are not able either listen, see but this person is a wonder that at ninety three years he is running a government and eventually they had to remove him with the help of forces. Though there was no bloodshed but he was removed under a military coup. Mugabe will forever remain an icon in Africa. Mandela got more protocols because he was not Anti Imperialism; he was only an opponent of racism. He was not in opposition of West and more than African the West has given him more importance but Mugabe is hated by West. The West say that Mugabe is a devil. This was a very important incident that took place but the media has not taken this matter the way it deserved because the media is also slave. Hence it makes no difference for them if an icon of resistance falls down. They become happy on this. The way the President of Cuba, Fidel Castro was also an icon against Imperialism; Mugabe is also a similar icon. Such kind of personalities are not liked by West. Mugabe ideologically was a communist, socialist but a supporter of African community.

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Deal Or No Deal

Deal Or No Deal

War against Islamic System
First of all we should be attentive towards this fact that this nuclear agreement is not an absolute issue which can be considered as an isolated atomic issue with no relation to any other issues. It is not that Iran wants to become an atomic power and they do not want Iran to become an atomic power. The way the Supreme Leader has said that the actual battle is not an atomic war instead it is an ideological war; a battle between revolution and the enemies of Islamic revolution. The actual war is between arrogant, imperialistic powers and the Islamic system of Imamate and Ummat, which is Wilayat-e-Faqeeh.
It is a historic fact that America gave this suggestion and started this act of turning Iran into an atomic power at the time of Shah’s Regime. The first atomic power plant was given by a German company to Iran on the instructions of America which is now being constructed by a Russian company in Bushehr and some parts of it have already become active. It was America’s planning to turn Iran into a nuclear power thus this is not the actual issue; the real issue is with the Islamic governance system in Iran which is confronting the system of these Taghoots (deviant devilish powers). The system of Imamate or Wilayat does not compromise with Taghoots, and this was the reason that immediately after the Islamic revolution, America wrapped up the socialistic systems and closed that front, because they realized that socialism is not their actual enemy. They realized that their real enemy is not socialism, instead the power that can destroy their arrogant, tyrannical regimes is the Ideology of divine Quranic Islamic system whose leadership is in the hands of Shiite. They witnessed this and after closing all other fronts they turned towards Middle East and specifically towards the Islamic system.
They aroused Saddam and Saddam started the war with the same justification for which the negotiations have been done today. After this eight year war with Saddam they did not stop, and turned towards creating several seditions (Fitnah) inside the Islamic republic. In 2009 a very severe crisis was created against the Islamic system in which government elements were involved, and there were three persons who were openly declared in Iran as the Chiefs of this Fitnah, and there was a fourth person also who was referred to as the supporter of these three. Who are these four people? Two of them are under house arrest now; one is Mahdi Karroubi who had been the head of parliament for five years became a chieftain of this Fitnah. Mir Hossein Mousavi who was the prime minister for eight years was another chief of this Fitnah. Mohammad Khatami who was the president of the country for eight years and around sixteen years he was the minister also; all these were the chieftains of the Fitnah in 2009. The fourth person who is considered as the supporter of this Fitnah; Hashmi Rafsanjani was the guardian for these three. This devastating sedition was like an earthquake against the system of Wilayat in 2009, and shook the pillars from inside. The war of Saddam was nothing as compared to this Sedition but the way Allah protected this revolution from the war and many other threats; Allah protected this system also from this potentially devastating sedition. The means which were used by Allah to protect the revolution from this Fitnah was the deep insight (Baseerat) of the Supreme Leader (Ayatollah Syed Ali Khamenei) which protected the system, revolution and everything of this nation.
I am mentioning all this to highlight the fact that there is a continuous encounter and confrontation with the Islamic System. In this Fitnah Saudi Arabia played a very important role. There was a book which we published by the name of “Defeated Velvet Revolution in Iran” in which complete details about this Fitnah were discussed and this book was distributed across the globe.
This atomic diplomacy battle is the continuation of the same Fitnah. They made an excuse that Iran has turned into an atomic power and is making a nuclear bomb which is a threat to Israel. This is a fact also that a nation which explicitly says in their strategy that Israel should be eradicated, then definitely Israel has a threat from Iran. If such a nation becomes an atomic power then all their efforts go to waste. Obama has also said this clearly that we will do everything possible to protect Israel from any threats, and we will not refrain from destroying an Islamic nation if it becomes a threat to Israel; at any cost we are committed to the protection and existence of Israel. They have made this nuclear thing an issue to once again give a blow to the Islamic system and by this issue they want to disturb the internal circumstances in Iran.
Economic Sanctions – Most effective weapon
The most effective weapon till date which the enemies of Islamic revolution have adopted is the weapon of economic sanctions. This has proved as a big blow to the national economy of Iran; currency fell down significantly, inflation went up, and it disturbed the lives of people significantly inside Iran. Since the time the sanctions started around twelve years ago, restrictions kept on increasing and despite of being under these tight sanctions the Islamic system not only ran the nation, but continued with the progress and development of the country. You can visit Iran every year, and see every year how much development is happening in a country which is choked with continuous severe sanctions.
At the same time they continued with negotiations also, and the current President Agha Hassan Rouhani was the chief diplomat of the Atomic file at that time during the Presidency of Khatami. Rouhani was the chief of National Security Council and he was visiting Geneva, Vienna and other places as a senior diplomat for negotiations and dialogues. Rouhani supervised these negotiations for eight years, and without the instructions or directions for USA or UN they voluntarily suspended their nuclear project. In order to express their good will on the instructions of Khatami, and diplomacy of Rouhani they suspended the nuclear projects. They locked all their nuclear plants and even applied restrictions in universities for imparting nuclear education in order to gain confidence of America. The one sided suspension continued for eight years under the presidency of Khatami but no sanctions were eased out instead more restrictions were imposed despite of this voluntary step taken by Khatami.
Then the new president Ahmadinejad came in and decided that despite of suspending the nuclear activities still you are imposing strict sanctions on us then why should not we continue with our nuclear development. He reinstated the nuclear project, accelerated it and took the development to an astonishing level. He achieved success in many segments which the enemies could not believe. The machinery which is required for Uranium enrichment was a very basic one present in Iran which was then indigenously enhanced and they produced thousands of other pieces of advanced machinery. The enemies now realized that Iran has got the nuclear technology, and Iran has also spread the nuclear development project across the country in many secure places.
The USA kept on tightening the sanctions and literally disconnected Iran from the entire world. One of the effects that came on Pakistan was the Iran Gas pipeline which Iran developed and brought it to the border of Pakistan but Pakistan is not taking it because of sanctions on Iran.
These sanctions bring pressure on people and there are internal elements who harmonize with the enemies. The internal elements give signals to the external entities to increase restrictions and at the same time they arouse the people internally that these restrictions are due to our atomic project enhancements. They try to present to people that we do not have bread, our kitchens are getting closed and nation is going after nuclear enrichment. As a result of this the effects of sanctions started to manifest themselves. The internal hypocrites and external enemies joined hands to aggravate the effects of sanctions thereby creating a crisis inside the country; besieging Wilayat whose effects are clearly visible.
Negotiations – A diplomatic warfare
These sanctions and this crisis is breaking the back of the nation. It is the obligatory duty of the leadership to get the people out of this crisis, protect the nation and thus once again the Supreme Leader presented a plan which was termed as “Narmish-e- Ghahrmanane” (Heroic flexibility). This is the terminology used by the Leader which actually comes out from the translation of a book which the leader did at the time of revolution. This book was from Syed Razi on the subject of Peace treaty of Imam Hassan (a.s). The content of the book which the leader presented was that Imam Hassan (a.s) demonstrated a heroic flexibility with the peace treaty he did with Muaviya. I have already explained this before as to why Imam Hassan (a.s) did this because He (a.s) himself says; that my enemies and my companions together have made several dangerous plans and in order to counter those I have adopted this strategy of heroic flexibility (refer to strategy chart at the end of the article)
 When the new government of Rouhani came into power and they again aggressively started the negotiations; the Leader used this terminology of Heroic flexibility indicating that we want to get the nation out of this crisis. He gave the opportunity to the government to negotiate and this was a diplomatic battle which was being fought on the table. This battle is tougher than the war of weapons because this battle needs intelligence, wisdom, cleverness, awareness, courage, perseverance and stamina is required, and this battle went on for twelve years.
It is clear that on one side enemy has dangerous conspiracy and internally there are elements who are supporting the enemy, and together both of them aiming to destroy the system of Wilayat. They were building pressure on the system of Wilayat through the people. The plots of both internal and external enemies were defeated by these negotiations which were done under closed monitoring by the Leader who drew certain red lines which could not be crossed at all. These negotiations are an example for the entire world and specifically for Pakistan. The battles which were fought in the world eventually became the syllabus of the courses and are taught in military schools; like the Iran Iraq war is being taught to all armies of the world right now. They teach them about the techniques used in these wars and they become part of the Military academy curriculum. Similarly these negotiations should also become part of the curriculum and Pakistani ministers should study on how diplomatic warfare is done. I have said this earlier also that two phone calls have become historic in Pakistan; one call was a three minute call from the foreign minister of USA to General Parvez Musharraf at the time of Afghanistan attack by USA, whereby he was told to either join them or be ready for destruction and this General immediately submitted. The USA foreign minister later wrote in his book that the president of Pakistan did not even asked time from me; he immediately submitted to our demand. The second call which came just a few days earlier after the Pakistan security agencies caught an NGO by the name “Save the Children” which was involved in anti-national activities. The Interior minister declared that certain outside nations, including America and Israel are supporting this NGO, and so this NGO was sealed. On the very next day a call came from USA to the Prime Minister to again reopen the NGO and they did it.
Here you can see that they submit on one phone call whereas this nation of Iran has been negotiating since twelve years that too against six top most devilish powers. The two worst devilish powers amongst these five are China and Russia who took the benefits from both sides in these negotiations. They told America to accept their certain demands else they will side with Iran; on the other hand they seeked demands from Iran with the threat that they will side with the USA. These two countries acted as traders and not politicians in these negotiations; they earned a lot and will earn more. You should be aware that these six nations are devilish, goons, rowdies and worst nations of the world, who are confronting and are on the opposite side of that nation who is holding the standard of Islam in their hand.
Joint declaration – Supporters and Opponents
This is a historic point that they fought for twelve years and this battle has not yet ended. The battle is ongoing and what they have issued is a joint declaration. Now everyone is talking about this joint declaration and on both sides there are supporters as well as opponents of this declaration. In USA also there are supporters and opponents; even in the camp of Obama; Hilary Clinton who is the potential candidate for next USA presidency is in strict opposition to this agreement. She is the successor of Obama and is from his party. Then the other opposition is the Republican Party which is the party of Bush who are in Congress, and are strictly opposing this agreement because of the effectiveness of Zionism on them. Israel and Saudi Arabia are the biggest opponents of this joint declaration. In Iran also there are supporters and opponents of this declaration with both giving their own reasons.
This is ongoing and it is not that everything has ended. The statements which are issued in public are different and what is signed behind closed doors is something different. In the upcoming days Congress has to review this agreement at the same time in Iran also it has been announced that the Iranian parliament will review every point of this Joint declaration and if it is found in national interest only then they will accept. It is not that whether this will happen or not happen; it will happen as well as will not happen continuously because this is part of a battle which will continue the same way as it was before.
These devilish powers will not lift the sanctions because after a long time they have got such an effective weapon in their hand. Saddam martyred three thousand youths of Iran but this did not shake Iran. The graveyards are full, several families got martyred but Iran did not feel the pressure but with these sanctions they have felt the pressure and back is breaking down; and they also realized that they need to straighten their back. The enemies realized that we tried military power, other forces but we could not break Iran but these sanctions have been effective and it is natural that they will not waste this weapon of theirs and will keep on playing with them.
Wali-e-Faqeeh – The Supreme Authority
 It is really a serious matter specifically for those across the world who are admirers and supporters of Islamic revolution. You should know that in Iran the Supreme Authority is the Leader (Wali-e-Faqeeh), and without the permission of the Leader things cannot move in Iran. They create plans to besiege the leader and carry out these mischiefs of getting the leader in confrontation with masses but with all praise to Allah the Leader has always defeated their conspiracies. Whenever they have worked out any stratagems, Allah’s stratagem has always disgusted and disgraced them.
As said earlier the ex-president Mohammad Khatami has been the chieftain of these seditions and Iranian court has officially announced that publishing the picture of Khatami anywhere is prohibited. He is a criminal who created this sedition in 2009. Thus it is possible that certain governmental elements, bureaucrats can do some mischiefs but these are not supreme authorities. Parliament or President are not supreme authorities because the system in Iran is not democracy it is the system of Wilayat. The supreme power is Wali-e-Faqeeh who comprehends all the matters and will not allow their mischiefs to be successful. Hence all the well-wishers, supporters and lovers of Islamic revolution should remain relaxed that this difficulty would not come in place. It is clear that these sanctions have been very effective and they have built a lot of pressure on the people and it is the duty of the leader to bring the nation out of such crisis. One way is diplomacy which will go on, and this battle play will keep on going but they will reap other secondary benefits from this.
Benefits of Joint declaration to Obama and Rouhani
 In Iran the parliament elections are about to take place in this year. At present the parliament is under the opposition majority, which international media terms as conservative traditionalist and in Iran they call them Principle-ists and they are not in harmony with the existing president. Mr. Rouhani wants the parliament to have his majority. Khatami and Rafsanjani want a clean sweep in the next election thus having their own candidates in these elections. This way parliament will come under their control and then they can do whatever they want. Thus the major effect of this agreement inside Iran will be on the upcoming parliamentary elections because this government has given a lot of statements that the issue is resolved and sanctions have been removed but in reality nothing has happened. There is not even a single sanction that has been lifted. This is just an announcement and after six months it can reactivate itself, they will say that Iran is not doing what we have asked for. They would say that we wanted to close down so and so thing but they did not do it, and again this issue will restart. Iran government will say we are doing what you are saying and P5+1 will deny through their teeth and issue will drag on. The thing which will happen irrespective of sanctions being removed or not is the effect on elections which are about to take place in both USA and parliamentary elections in Iran. The Iranian side wants to make use of this for the Parliamentary election, hence they are giving excited statements about celebrations for this success, whereas America is saying we do not trust Iranians and Supreme Leader has said we have no trust on Americans.
In such an environment it is a battle which was going on and also in future it will continue. This agreement declaration has internal benefits for both sides; whereby Obama wants to win the election for his party and he is saying also that I have protected the world from a big danger and destruction by doing this agreement with Iran. He is convincing the Americans that Iran was about to destroy the world and I have saved it, whereas Mr. Rouhani is convincing his people that Iranians were about to die of starvation and I have saved them. Obama is saying I have protected the world and Mr. Rouhani says I have protected Iran so that both can win the elections. This is the reason for which they have triggered this issue and media being one sided is not presenting the facts. The columnists are writing baseless things that now “Death to America” slogans will end and both will be good friends. A youth during a recent gathering of students with the Supreme Leader in the month of Ramadan asked the leader that if this agreement goes through will we still say “Death to America” or not? The Leader replied that the battle will go on with arrogance, Taghoot and “Death to America” will be said until Qayamat.
Effect of this declaration on Pakistan
One part of this agreement is associated with Pakistan and our ministers have started to quote that now Gas will come soon but the fact is that it will not come because first America has stopped it and now Saudi Arab will stop it. First America has said that due to sanctions on Iran you cannot take this gas from Iran, and now Saudi Arab will tell Pakistan that after taking so much money from us you are taking gas from Iran? Wiki Leaks has recently released a new version related to Saudi Arabian secrets which are present on Internet in which there is a lot related to Pakistan because Saudi Arab has high interference in Pakistan. Saudi Arab has even gone to India to stop them from taking oil from Iran but India has said that our refinery system is designed for Iranian oil because there are various types of oil. India said that we cannot take oil from any other country since our refineries cannot support it. Saudi Arab replied that we will deploy a new refinery free for Saudi oil and you should not take oil from Iran. One more announcement which Wiki Leaks has done is about few years back one Pakistani university invited Iranian Ambassador in one of their conventions. Saudi Arab came and suspended the Vice Chancellor of the university. Saudi Arab has this much interference in Pakistan, and no news are given about them in Media so how can they allow Pakistan to take gas from Iran? The slavery which Pakistan is doing with Saudi Arab is much worst then the slavery of America. This slavery of King Salman, Bedouins and these Arab terrorists has become a destiny of Pakistan and we pray to Allah to give salvation to Pakistan and everyone else from these beasts.

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