Sunday 21 January 2018

Deal Or No Deal

Deal Or No Deal

War against Islamic System
First of all we should be attentive towards this fact that this nuclear agreement is not an absolute issue which can be considered as an isolated atomic issue with no relation to any other issues. It is not that Iran wants to become an atomic power and they do not want Iran to become an atomic power. The way the Supreme Leader has said that the actual battle is not an atomic war instead it is an ideological war; a battle between revolution and the enemies of Islamic revolution. The actual war is between arrogant, imperialistic powers and the Islamic system of Imamate and Ummat, which is Wilayat-e-Faqeeh.
It is a historic fact that America gave this suggestion and started this act of turning Iran into an atomic power at the time of Shah’s Regime. The first atomic power plant was given by a German company to Iran on the instructions of America which is now being constructed by a Russian company in Bushehr and some parts of it have already become active. It was America’s planning to turn Iran into a nuclear power thus this is not the actual issue; the real issue is with the Islamic governance system in Iran which is confronting the system of these Taghoots (deviant devilish powers). The system of Imamate or Wilayat does not compromise with Taghoots, and this was the reason that immediately after the Islamic revolution, America wrapped up the socialistic systems and closed that front, because they realized that socialism is not their actual enemy. They realized that their real enemy is not socialism, instead the power that can destroy their arrogant, tyrannical regimes is the Ideology of divine Quranic Islamic system whose leadership is in the hands of Shiite. They witnessed this and after closing all other fronts they turned towards Middle East and specifically towards the Islamic system.
They aroused Saddam and Saddam started the war with the same justification for which the negotiations have been done today. After this eight year war with Saddam they did not stop, and turned towards creating several seditions (Fitnah) inside the Islamic republic. In 2009 a very severe crisis was created against the Islamic system in which government elements were involved, and there were three persons who were openly declared in Iran as the Chiefs of this Fitnah, and there was a fourth person also who was referred to as the supporter of these three. Who are these four people? Two of them are under house arrest now; one is Mahdi Karroubi who had been the head of parliament for five years became a chieftain of this Fitnah. Mir Hossein Mousavi who was the prime minister for eight years was another chief of this Fitnah. Mohammad Khatami who was the president of the country for eight years and around sixteen years he was the minister also; all these were the chieftains of the Fitnah in 2009. The fourth person who is considered as the supporter of this Fitnah; Hashmi Rafsanjani was the guardian for these three. This devastating sedition was like an earthquake against the system of Wilayat in 2009, and shook the pillars from inside. The war of Saddam was nothing as compared to this Sedition but the way Allah protected this revolution from the war and many other threats; Allah protected this system also from this potentially devastating sedition. The means which were used by Allah to protect the revolution from this Fitnah was the deep insight (Baseerat) of the Supreme Leader (Ayatollah Syed Ali Khamenei) which protected the system, revolution and everything of this nation.
I am mentioning all this to highlight the fact that there is a continuous encounter and confrontation with the Islamic System. In this Fitnah Saudi Arabia played a very important role. There was a book which we published by the name of “Defeated Velvet Revolution in Iran” in which complete details about this Fitnah were discussed and this book was distributed across the globe.
This atomic diplomacy battle is the continuation of the same Fitnah. They made an excuse that Iran has turned into an atomic power and is making a nuclear bomb which is a threat to Israel. This is a fact also that a nation which explicitly says in their strategy that Israel should be eradicated, then definitely Israel has a threat from Iran. If such a nation becomes an atomic power then all their efforts go to waste. Obama has also said this clearly that we will do everything possible to protect Israel from any threats, and we will not refrain from destroying an Islamic nation if it becomes a threat to Israel; at any cost we are committed to the protection and existence of Israel. They have made this nuclear thing an issue to once again give a blow to the Islamic system and by this issue they want to disturb the internal circumstances in Iran.
Economic Sanctions – Most effective weapon
The most effective weapon till date which the enemies of Islamic revolution have adopted is the weapon of economic sanctions. This has proved as a big blow to the national economy of Iran; currency fell down significantly, inflation went up, and it disturbed the lives of people significantly inside Iran. Since the time the sanctions started around twelve years ago, restrictions kept on increasing and despite of being under these tight sanctions the Islamic system not only ran the nation, but continued with the progress and development of the country. You can visit Iran every year, and see every year how much development is happening in a country which is choked with continuous severe sanctions.
At the same time they continued with negotiations also, and the current President Agha Hassan Rouhani was the chief diplomat of the Atomic file at that time during the Presidency of Khatami. Rouhani was the chief of National Security Council and he was visiting Geneva, Vienna and other places as a senior diplomat for negotiations and dialogues. Rouhani supervised these negotiations for eight years, and without the instructions or directions for USA or UN they voluntarily suspended their nuclear project. In order to express their good will on the instructions of Khatami, and diplomacy of Rouhani they suspended the nuclear projects. They locked all their nuclear plants and even applied restrictions in universities for imparting nuclear education in order to gain confidence of America. The one sided suspension continued for eight years under the presidency of Khatami but no sanctions were eased out instead more restrictions were imposed despite of this voluntary step taken by Khatami.
Then the new president Ahmadinejad came in and decided that despite of suspending the nuclear activities still you are imposing strict sanctions on us then why should not we continue with our nuclear development. He reinstated the nuclear project, accelerated it and took the development to an astonishing level. He achieved success in many segments which the enemies could not believe. The machinery which is required for Uranium enrichment was a very basic one present in Iran which was then indigenously enhanced and they produced thousands of other pieces of advanced machinery. The enemies now realized that Iran has got the nuclear technology, and Iran has also spread the nuclear development project across the country in many secure places.
The USA kept on tightening the sanctions and literally disconnected Iran from the entire world. One of the effects that came on Pakistan was the Iran Gas pipeline which Iran developed and brought it to the border of Pakistan but Pakistan is not taking it because of sanctions on Iran.
These sanctions bring pressure on people and there are internal elements who harmonize with the enemies. The internal elements give signals to the external entities to increase restrictions and at the same time they arouse the people internally that these restrictions are due to our atomic project enhancements. They try to present to people that we do not have bread, our kitchens are getting closed and nation is going after nuclear enrichment. As a result of this the effects of sanctions started to manifest themselves. The internal hypocrites and external enemies joined hands to aggravate the effects of sanctions thereby creating a crisis inside the country; besieging Wilayat whose effects are clearly visible.
Negotiations – A diplomatic warfare
These sanctions and this crisis is breaking the back of the nation. It is the obligatory duty of the leadership to get the people out of this crisis, protect the nation and thus once again the Supreme Leader presented a plan which was termed as “Narmish-e- Ghahrmanane” (Heroic flexibility). This is the terminology used by the Leader which actually comes out from the translation of a book which the leader did at the time of revolution. This book was from Syed Razi on the subject of Peace treaty of Imam Hassan (a.s). The content of the book which the leader presented was that Imam Hassan (a.s) demonstrated a heroic flexibility with the peace treaty he did with Muaviya. I have already explained this before as to why Imam Hassan (a.s) did this because He (a.s) himself says; that my enemies and my companions together have made several dangerous plans and in order to counter those I have adopted this strategy of heroic flexibility (refer to strategy chart at the end of the article)
 When the new government of Rouhani came into power and they again aggressively started the negotiations; the Leader used this terminology of Heroic flexibility indicating that we want to get the nation out of this crisis. He gave the opportunity to the government to negotiate and this was a diplomatic battle which was being fought on the table. This battle is tougher than the war of weapons because this battle needs intelligence, wisdom, cleverness, awareness, courage, perseverance and stamina is required, and this battle went on for twelve years.
It is clear that on one side enemy has dangerous conspiracy and internally there are elements who are supporting the enemy, and together both of them aiming to destroy the system of Wilayat. They were building pressure on the system of Wilayat through the people. The plots of both internal and external enemies were defeated by these negotiations which were done under closed monitoring by the Leader who drew certain red lines which could not be crossed at all. These negotiations are an example for the entire world and specifically for Pakistan. The battles which were fought in the world eventually became the syllabus of the courses and are taught in military schools; like the Iran Iraq war is being taught to all armies of the world right now. They teach them about the techniques used in these wars and they become part of the Military academy curriculum. Similarly these negotiations should also become part of the curriculum and Pakistani ministers should study on how diplomatic warfare is done. I have said this earlier also that two phone calls have become historic in Pakistan; one call was a three minute call from the foreign minister of USA to General Parvez Musharraf at the time of Afghanistan attack by USA, whereby he was told to either join them or be ready for destruction and this General immediately submitted. The USA foreign minister later wrote in his book that the president of Pakistan did not even asked time from me; he immediately submitted to our demand. The second call which came just a few days earlier after the Pakistan security agencies caught an NGO by the name “Save the Children” which was involved in anti-national activities. The Interior minister declared that certain outside nations, including America and Israel are supporting this NGO, and so this NGO was sealed. On the very next day a call came from USA to the Prime Minister to again reopen the NGO and they did it.
Here you can see that they submit on one phone call whereas this nation of Iran has been negotiating since twelve years that too against six top most devilish powers. The two worst devilish powers amongst these five are China and Russia who took the benefits from both sides in these negotiations. They told America to accept their certain demands else they will side with Iran; on the other hand they seeked demands from Iran with the threat that they will side with the USA. These two countries acted as traders and not politicians in these negotiations; they earned a lot and will earn more. You should be aware that these six nations are devilish, goons, rowdies and worst nations of the world, who are confronting and are on the opposite side of that nation who is holding the standard of Islam in their hand.
Joint declaration – Supporters and Opponents
This is a historic point that they fought for twelve years and this battle has not yet ended. The battle is ongoing and what they have issued is a joint declaration. Now everyone is talking about this joint declaration and on both sides there are supporters as well as opponents of this declaration. In USA also there are supporters and opponents; even in the camp of Obama; Hilary Clinton who is the potential candidate for next USA presidency is in strict opposition to this agreement. She is the successor of Obama and is from his party. Then the other opposition is the Republican Party which is the party of Bush who are in Congress, and are strictly opposing this agreement because of the effectiveness of Zionism on them. Israel and Saudi Arabia are the biggest opponents of this joint declaration. In Iran also there are supporters and opponents of this declaration with both giving their own reasons.
This is ongoing and it is not that everything has ended. The statements which are issued in public are different and what is signed behind closed doors is something different. In the upcoming days Congress has to review this agreement at the same time in Iran also it has been announced that the Iranian parliament will review every point of this Joint declaration and if it is found in national interest only then they will accept. It is not that whether this will happen or not happen; it will happen as well as will not happen continuously because this is part of a battle which will continue the same way as it was before.
These devilish powers will not lift the sanctions because after a long time they have got such an effective weapon in their hand. Saddam martyred three thousand youths of Iran but this did not shake Iran. The graveyards are full, several families got martyred but Iran did not feel the pressure but with these sanctions they have felt the pressure and back is breaking down; and they also realized that they need to straighten their back. The enemies realized that we tried military power, other forces but we could not break Iran but these sanctions have been effective and it is natural that they will not waste this weapon of theirs and will keep on playing with them.
Wali-e-Faqeeh – The Supreme Authority
 It is really a serious matter specifically for those across the world who are admirers and supporters of Islamic revolution. You should know that in Iran the Supreme Authority is the Leader (Wali-e-Faqeeh), and without the permission of the Leader things cannot move in Iran. They create plans to besiege the leader and carry out these mischiefs of getting the leader in confrontation with masses but with all praise to Allah the Leader has always defeated their conspiracies. Whenever they have worked out any stratagems, Allah’s stratagem has always disgusted and disgraced them.
As said earlier the ex-president Mohammad Khatami has been the chieftain of these seditions and Iranian court has officially announced that publishing the picture of Khatami anywhere is prohibited. He is a criminal who created this sedition in 2009. Thus it is possible that certain governmental elements, bureaucrats can do some mischiefs but these are not supreme authorities. Parliament or President are not supreme authorities because the system in Iran is not democracy it is the system of Wilayat. The supreme power is Wali-e-Faqeeh who comprehends all the matters and will not allow their mischiefs to be successful. Hence all the well-wishers, supporters and lovers of Islamic revolution should remain relaxed that this difficulty would not come in place. It is clear that these sanctions have been very effective and they have built a lot of pressure on the people and it is the duty of the leader to bring the nation out of such crisis. One way is diplomacy which will go on, and this battle play will keep on going but they will reap other secondary benefits from this.
Benefits of Joint declaration to Obama and Rouhani
 In Iran the parliament elections are about to take place in this year. At present the parliament is under the opposition majority, which international media terms as conservative traditionalist and in Iran they call them Principle-ists and they are not in harmony with the existing president. Mr. Rouhani wants the parliament to have his majority. Khatami and Rafsanjani want a clean sweep in the next election thus having their own candidates in these elections. This way parliament will come under their control and then they can do whatever they want. Thus the major effect of this agreement inside Iran will be on the upcoming parliamentary elections because this government has given a lot of statements that the issue is resolved and sanctions have been removed but in reality nothing has happened. There is not even a single sanction that has been lifted. This is just an announcement and after six months it can reactivate itself, they will say that Iran is not doing what we have asked for. They would say that we wanted to close down so and so thing but they did not do it, and again this issue will restart. Iran government will say we are doing what you are saying and P5+1 will deny through their teeth and issue will drag on. The thing which will happen irrespective of sanctions being removed or not is the effect on elections which are about to take place in both USA and parliamentary elections in Iran. The Iranian side wants to make use of this for the Parliamentary election, hence they are giving excited statements about celebrations for this success, whereas America is saying we do not trust Iranians and Supreme Leader has said we have no trust on Americans.
In such an environment it is a battle which was going on and also in future it will continue. This agreement declaration has internal benefits for both sides; whereby Obama wants to win the election for his party and he is saying also that I have protected the world from a big danger and destruction by doing this agreement with Iran. He is convincing the Americans that Iran was about to destroy the world and I have saved it, whereas Mr. Rouhani is convincing his people that Iranians were about to die of starvation and I have saved them. Obama is saying I have protected the world and Mr. Rouhani says I have protected Iran so that both can win the elections. This is the reason for which they have triggered this issue and media being one sided is not presenting the facts. The columnists are writing baseless things that now “Death to America” slogans will end and both will be good friends. A youth during a recent gathering of students with the Supreme Leader in the month of Ramadan asked the leader that if this agreement goes through will we still say “Death to America” or not? The Leader replied that the battle will go on with arrogance, Taghoot and “Death to America” will be said until Qayamat.
Effect of this declaration on Pakistan
One part of this agreement is associated with Pakistan and our ministers have started to quote that now Gas will come soon but the fact is that it will not come because first America has stopped it and now Saudi Arab will stop it. First America has said that due to sanctions on Iran you cannot take this gas from Iran, and now Saudi Arab will tell Pakistan that after taking so much money from us you are taking gas from Iran? Wiki Leaks has recently released a new version related to Saudi Arabian secrets which are present on Internet in which there is a lot related to Pakistan because Saudi Arab has high interference in Pakistan. Saudi Arab has even gone to India to stop them from taking oil from Iran but India has said that our refinery system is designed for Iranian oil because there are various types of oil. India said that we cannot take oil from any other country since our refineries cannot support it. Saudi Arab replied that we will deploy a new refinery free for Saudi oil and you should not take oil from Iran. One more announcement which Wiki Leaks has done is about few years back one Pakistani university invited Iranian Ambassador in one of their conventions. Saudi Arab came and suspended the Vice Chancellor of the university. Saudi Arab has this much interference in Pakistan, and no news are given about them in Media so how can they allow Pakistan to take gas from Iran? The slavery which Pakistan is doing with Saudi Arab is much worst then the slavery of America. This slavery of King Salman, Bedouins and these Arab terrorists has become a destiny of Pakistan and we pray to Allah to give salvation to Pakistan and everyone else from these beasts.

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Trump - Abandoning Of Nuclear Agreement With Iran

Trump - Abandoning Of Nuclear Agreement With Iran

In international affairs the most important news which is related to today and has drawn the attention of everyone globally is the abandonment of nuclear agreement of Iran done by international powers. The foolish, accursed, corrupt Trump had declared this Friday (today) to announce the suspension of this agreement and America will formally break out from this. There was a meeting between European members yesterday and they have requested Trump to respect and continue this agreement.
The nuclear agreement was done with Iran which was due to the nuclear energy development by Iran which as per Iran claims was for peaceful purpose. There were global sanctions of various forms imposed on Iran as pressure tactics whereby Iran was forced to restrict their nuclear enrichment activities. They pursued Iran for this with these sanctions. The sanctions created internal difficulties for Iran and an example of this was seen recently where some people protested for economic issues which were due to these sanctions. This was what they wanted and there are certain elements present inside Iran as well both inside government and outside who apply this tactic of creating pressure of sanctions on Iran. They apply this tactic and have seen that Iran submits against sanctions. The Iranians have not submitted against any other challenge or difficulty but against economic sanctions they submit. Some Iranian politicians have also said that Iran should change its policies in lieu of the demands which America is making. They applied sanctions on Iran to make it change their policy and these sanctions were effective.
The foremost effect was on suspension of nuclear development on Iran. They shutdown many of their reactors, they sealed some reactors by filling cement inside the plants; they closed down some centrifuges and sold some ready nuclear enrichment products to the outside world as per the agreement. They made Iran do all this with these pressures and now America is accusing Iran that since Iran is spreading terrorism in the region, it is not ending its missile technology and does not listen to America. Whatever plans America make Iran diffuses them like America made ISIS in the region and Iran uprooted them. In this annoyance, frustration the same nuclear agreement which America forced Iran to sign and now America is walking out of this. As it is night over there, when Friday starts over there Trump will be making a formal announcement. The European Union have applied pressure and requested him to reconsider his decision.
Trump wants to make the entire world disturbed, distressed, non-peaceful. They have already done this but want to take this global insecurity to its peak. The dangers which America is facing today; they only see this way out that is to create crisis in the world and then reap benefits out of these crisis. This is an old formula of theirs and successful also to keep the world in chaos, crisis and then keep on taking benefits of it. They did this with Middle East; now they are trying to create crisis for China and also trying create more severity for the already ongoing crisis. There is a Persian proverb and all this is happening just like this proverb. That proverb is to make the water unclean and then catch fish. If you are catching fish in clean water then fish can see you and runs away. This is the political policy of America that you cannot reap benefits out of a peaceful world. If they want to take some benefits out from Pakistan they cannot do it from a peaceful Pakistan or similarly from Iran and the whole world.
The benefits and interests of America first is their global dominance and no one in the world should be independent, everyone should be under them; whatever they order the entire world should listen and act on them. The entire world’s wealth, capital, oil, gas, energy should be their property. They want to make the internal policies for everyone in the world and all internal issues should be in the hands of America. This is not acceptable by every community and when they don’t fulfill this intention of America; they keep them under pressure, crisis and try to reap benefits this way. They did the same with Arabs and transformed them into a fat milking cow. They are selling weapons to them which the American companies are making. If there are no wars, then the weapons will not be sold. Hence they create crisis and these accursed, insane, foolish Arabs fall under their deceit very quickly as per American policies they make the region also insecure and give them all the benefits America wants from them. But Iran becomes an obstacle for America. When America tries to make room for itself, gets inside some country bringing them under pressure Iran starts to support that country and the people there; and the people rebel against America. Hence America is severely annoyed and angry on Iran and Pakistan but for different reasons. They are angry on Iran because Iran foils the American plans in the region. For Pakistan America is angry because Pakistan is not listening to America and what America wants them to do they are not doing it the same way. The groups on which America wants them to put restrictions they don’t do; the regions in which America wants them to carry out operations they don’t do. Hence America is severely annoyed with them. They have given 48 hours deadline to Pakistan but for Iran they are ready to sign the decision about abandonment of agreement.
With the end of this agreement it is not just a paper will become void instead all these things which America agreed related to Iran as per this agreement will become void. Like America committed to not start a war with Iran, they will not take any steps against Iran but all these will end now and America will be free to do any mischief against Iran. They have full freedom against Iran and America can do anything to inflict blows on Iran. They can impose more sanctions on Iran and create more difficulties for Iran. This weakness of Economic sanctions also has been shown by Iranians only to America from which they are taking undue advantages. The revolutionary group in Iran are self-contented and they are not worried about anything, they are loyal to the system. But everyone in Iran is not revolutionary; there is a big group which had nothing to do in bringing this revolution and not concerned at all with what will happen to this revolution. They are the type of grazing creatures who are only interested in acquiring worldly means, they are after lavish living and for them values do not carry any importance. For them dignity, freedom has no meaning; they want oil at cheaper prices and other things. It is natural that when there are economic sanctions it results into inflation and essential commodities become expensive and they don’t get or get less; they take advantage of these and get into protests. The actual target of America is not the nuclear of Iran but it is the Islamic Revolution and System of Wilayat e Faqeeh. They want to enhance the pressure and thus chaos inside Iran due to which more people will rise against the government and then America, European Union would help the people and their long term desire of ending this Islamic government and replacing it with a liberal government should get fulfilled. Since forty years more than forty such big mischiefs have been done by America and in all of these America has been defeated in a disgraceful manner. The last big mischief of theirs was making ISIS in Syria and the disgraceful manner in which they got defeated cannot be seen anywhere in history whereby a big superpower has been disgraced before in this manner. And God willing they will be further disgraced.
Trump is the icon of disgrace for America today. It is there in tradition as well when tyranny, oppression will reach its peak a character will be seen before the reappearance of our Last Imam (a.t.f.s). That character is that of Dajjal. Dajjal is a character in Islamic teachings that will come into appearance before the establishment of a global just governance. Dajjal is a negative character present in the Islamic teachings and there are traditions from Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s), Infallible Imams (a.s). It is a commonly agreed character who will appear before the Last Imam (a.t.f.s) and he will be uprooted by believers and then a global government of divine justice that is of Mahdaviat will be established. This is a common belief of all Muslims whereby Dajjal is the peak of tyranny. The Fitnah of Dajjal which is common belief amongst Muslims and lot of research has been done on this; with many books also written on this from all sects. This character has two types of interpretations.
One of them is that Dajjal is a known individual who is like man but somewhat abnormal with one eye. He will come in this world, create big corruption and make the entire world insecure, instable. Then to end this Fitnah a group of believers will rise against him, uproot this Fitnah of Dajjal and then Imam (a.t.f.s) will reappear and then after this there will be system of peace, safety across the globe. This is one interpretation that Dajjal is a known individual.The other interpretation is that Dajjal is not an individual but a character that can come in various forms and faces to create a Fitnah. If Dajjal is a character then we can say that Trump is the Dajjal of this era because his plan is to indulge the entire world in chaos and crisis. In this case even though he will take tyranny, oppression to the peak but he will get destroyed by the hands of believers and the ground will get prepared for the System of Imamat whereby all political systems of the world will end. That is democracy, Kingship, dictatorship will all end and across East and West the only system that will prevail would be the System of Imamat; whose name is Mahdaviat. If we see from this perspective the policies which Trump is making the Americans are more frustrated than anyone else with him. Even Iran and Pakistan are not disturbed to the extent the Americans are annoyed with Trump because of the policies he has made. He wants to get into conflicts with Atomic powers like he wants to fight China, Russia, and North Korea. All the three are big atomic powers and even one of them has that much atomic weapons base that they can destroy the entire world and Trump wants to fight with them. The Americans have become highly annoyed and are finding out ways on how to tighten Trump. But the global Satanic System demands that Trump only has to stay. There is a book (Fire and Fury) published about Trump in which his foolish and insane acts are written. He tried to restrict the printing of this book but somehow it got published. All his foolishness are mentioned in this book amongst this one thing mentioned is that when he won the elections he did not believed that he would win, because the lady against him got more votes, but the Satanic global powers wanted Trump to become President hence they made him. They wanted through him to create all chaos, destruction in the four years and then after this he will get disgraced by the believers. It was impossible for him to believe that he will win the elections but since it was decided that he has to come and carry out all these foolishness.

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