Monday 15 January 2018

America Targets IRGC In Iran

America targets IRGC in Iran
The other issue which is there in global news is the issue of America and Iran. America is continuously raising pressure on Iran, enhancing restrictions and the nuclear deal which was done between P5+1; America wants to end that completely. Every three months that contract is reviewed and signed off but Trump has not signed this time and looks like that it will be terminated. In Iran also there is sensitivity and Leader has also given a very hard statement about American intentions and made the community attentive towards this.
America has got the weakness of Iranians that they are afraid of sanctions and not afraid of bombs, wars, martyrdom. This weakness has been shown from inside Iran that through sanctions you can get everything accepted. The way leader has said earlier that this nuclear contract is not the final one. If you accept this, they will move forward. If they have stopped nuclear plan now they are asking to stop the missile system. Iran has become a very powerful missile power. North Korea, Pakistani, India, South Korea and Iran make powerful missiles in this region which can target across continent. The way America can fire long range missiles, the same technology is with Iran. They want to end this and more than this they want to end IRGC also. At present they are pushing this through Trump. But the dangerous part is that there are elements inside the government who are taking advantage of this situation. There are anti revolutionaries inside who are only afraid of IRGC which cannot be taken over by them. It is a big force of Iran which has defeated enemies everywhere. There are people inside the country as well who are annoyed with IRGC and many attempts are made. The President has also tried to make liberal approaches but IRGC comes in between. They say that IRGC is the powerful shoulder of Leader. America’s actual objective is removing the Wilayat regime which can be only achieved by removing IRGC. Saudi has said that any cost of bringing down the Iranian regime will be paid by them. They knew that by fighting with IRGC they will not be successful, but by putting sanctions on Iran and IRGC they will put pressure on public and they want to achieve this. They have fought and seen that Iranians cannot be defeated. This force has fought for 8 yrs with Iraq, then outside also in Syria, Iraq they have defeated American brewed forces. So they now want to cut this shoulder of leader and they have planned this through their think tank. Their think tanks have told them that it is impossible to end the Islamic revolution and Islami governance in Iran unless IRGC is there. On one side trump has taken this step and inside Iranian government there are elements who are passing signals and taking the same motives inside Iran. But as I said this deception of Satan will be faced by deception of Allah and that will be dominant. There have been many Fitnah’s done by global powers with the support of insane Arabs but the revolution has been victorious always and this fool Trump will again be disgraced as before.

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