Sunday 21 January 2018

Iran Attacks Background And Analysis

Iran Attacks Background And Analysis

Iran Attacks 
Background and Analysis
By Ustad Syed Jawad Naqvi
When incidents happen they are seen in isolation and not analyzed with its background and other associated facts. This is not the correct way and this vision is not correct. In Middle East there is a battle going on since long, and if we enter its background and look at the players of this battle then on 21st May in the conference; their Satanic leader Trump expressed this and prior to this the Saudi Foreign Minister and Crown Prince also has said this that the sensitivity has developed in Middle East after the Islamic Revolution in Iran. Prior to the Islamic revolution Middle East was a calm region with some discrete events happening which were specific to that part of the region.
Israel before and after 1979
After formation of Israel in 1947 Middle East has always remained disturbed. The usurping Israeli state was announced in the same year of 1947 which was also year of formation of Pakistan. The central point of this disturbance was the issue of Israel, Qod’s that is Masjidul Aqsa. There were wars fought; in one of the battles the Arabs were badly defeated which was in 1968 whereby Israel occupied region beyond Palestine heading inside Lebanon, Syrian and Jordan borders. With this the Arab power against Israel fell down and Israel emerged as a power in region, well supported by West and with the treachery of Arabs. After this the passion for fighting and standing against Israel got down significantly which was present within the period of wars. There were guerilla attacks taking place by Palestinian groups and many painful incidents did happen during this period as well but were not of the nature that they indulged the entire region into it. The issue of Palestine was and is a major issue for Muslims and with every day passing it has been benefitting Israel only due to the aggression of West and treachery of Arabs.
We can say that there were two political eras that passed in Middle East before 1979 for Israel; one was from the time of its formation till 1968 and then from 1968 to 1979. There were some other incidents also that took place during this period like formation of Socialist government in Iraq, Syria, and Algeria which were all internal issues of nations but not impacting the entire region except the Palestine issue. The issue of Palestine was making the roots of Israel stronger every day and Arabs were getting weaker. In 1968 Israel transformed everything in its favor and Arabs with disgrace gave their lands to Israel and sat inside their homes quietly. From that time till 1979 Israel progresses, developed and it established diplomatic relationships with many Arab nations.
In 1979 the situation changed in a highly unexpected manner which was the Islamic Revolution in Iran; a purely Ideological and Islamic change. It took place in that country within Middle East which has a different demographics specifically that it was a county with Shia majority. With the Islamic revolution the chapter changed and this change was that Israel which has defeated all Arab nations and occupied lands in its bordering nations of Syria, Lebanon, Egypt and Jordan. After this Israel had also planned to occupy these lands completely. At that time only they mentioned that the land required for Israel to progress is from River Nile to Euphrates. Nile is the river that originates from Egypt and Euphrates is that river which flows in Syria, Turkey and Iraq. This means they declared that everything between Egypt and Iraq is all Israel that is Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and even Iraq would be Israel. They made attempts for this and were highly hopeful that this will happen and they will occupy everything between Nile and Euphrates. They started from Jerusalem and entered inside the borders of neighboring Arab nations, hence now we can even proceed further. This was their map but the Islamic Revolution that took place under the leadership of Imam Khomeini changed their plans. Now those who were planning from Nile to Euphrates got concerned on how to first secure what they have occupied till now.
The Islamic Revolution changed the map. The communities got aroused and awakened; Egypt, Lebanon got awakened and these nations and their dead organizations got inspired with this revolution. Those who were ready for compromises with Israel and had laid off all their weapons; again revived themselves getting into a mode of Islamic resistance. One sample of this could be seen with Hezbollah outside Palestine and Hamas inside. These groups started an uprising and confrontation with Israel on a new direction.  The supporters of Israel also changed their strategy after Islamic Revolution. They very well understand what revolution is.
Recognition of Islamic Revolution by West
The westerners understand the Revolutionmuch better than anyone else, even more than the Iranians. They know the soul and spirit of Revolution because they plan, study and analyze it from inside. They understand the volcano inside the Revolution and its power to devastate prevailing systems. I have mentioned this before that Revolution has two specialties; one is to demolishthe existing systems. If a revolution does not destroy and uproot the foundations of evil systems, then that is not revolution it could be reformation. Revolution is not replacement of roof or repairing of walls. Revolution means destroying corrupt regimes, systems and second specialty is establishing new systems on new foundations. This revolution is known to West and not taught to Muslims. Muslims have seen the revolution and raised slogans in favor of revolution but they don’t even know what revolution is. Revolution means to destroy prevailing corrupt systems and replace it with new divine system. West and Israel were aware about the strength of Revolution as they witnessed how it uprooted an emperor of a big nation (Iran) that too through the hands of a Maulana. This is the power of revolutionary movement but when this movement turns into rituals and rites then ancestral rituals, rites can only tranquilize sentiments; they don’t have the power to run a movement. In a cultural, ritualistic religion the passions, sentiments are on its peak but these sentiments do not come to any use; cultural people get contented by releasing the sentiments. Revolution is the name of a volcanic eruption. West understood the power of Revolution and how much damage it can do to their existing systems. Everyone new about the corruption in Arab nations and they also knew that Israel is the most corrupt because they themselves made it. Now a revolutionary typhoon has come, a volcano has erupted which is primarily aimed at uprooting corrupt and transgressing systems. This was very clearly known to them that Israel is the corrupt system without any doubts. Shias were and till now in conjectures about Wilayat e Faqeeh and Imam Khomeini but Israel, western powers and their allies were not doubt.
They started to do many things and operations to control this revolution and it would prolong our discussion if we get into all these steps they took till now. At present they are in the phase of terrorism whereby they made terrorist groups and through them they carried terrorist activities against Shias in various countries. They fought war with Iran, placed restrictions, carried out target killing, they waited from Imam’s demise but they were despaired everywhere and were unsuccessful. Then they made terrorist groups like Taliban, Al Qaeda and last one ISIS and there also they brutally failed so now they have made a Takfirist NATO. They have gathered rented forces and certain states together are going to fight against Iran. This is the background of the situation in Middle East till now.
We cannot ignore the materialistic dimension of Middle East as it the biggest energy reservoir for the world whereby oil and gas is in abundance; and this is an additional attraction in Middle East. When oil and gas was discovered in Middle East by the Western people only; they ate themselves and made the Arabs also to eat; they made their own nations and also developed Middle East. These same Arab countries in the Middle East if you look at their picture fifty years back they were all ruined states which today are cities with big skyscrapers. The abundance of oil has also made it a center of attention.
The Satanic Conference
In the current situation they arranged a convention in which the last one held was the Riyadh Conference on 21stMay which became an accursed day in the history of Muslims. Prior to this also the Muslim rulers did treachery but in covert manner they would mix up with enemies. But on this day they openly under the leadership of open infidel, that American President and its Cabinet who has announced a war against Islam and Muslim; and he has won the elections under this slogan of Islam enmity. These Muslim rulers gathered under the leadership of this tyrant Satan and he delivered a lecture that too on the topic of Islam to the Muslim leaders. After he leaves within two weeks the first consequences are seen in Qatar whereby the relationships were severed with Qatar. Trump himself quoted formally and have issued this written statement that whatever happened with Qatar was that after I delivered the lecture in the convention in which I presented two types of Islam; one was an extremist Islam and other peaceful; during the lecture itself all the Arab delegates started to point fingers towards Qatar. He said this happened there only where fingers were pointed towards Qatar.
The second thing that happened was whereby various other speeches were given in which only one agenda came out which was to isolate Iran, apply extreme restrictions on Iran and pressurize Iran to leave its existing system. This was the formal agenda of this conference which wasopenly announced and did not hide it. Then after these two incidents happened in a very short span; though other incidents also like attack on Sheikh Essa Qassem’ s house in Bahrain which happened on 21st May. In Mosul the Iraqi forces prior to Trump’s visit had almost overtaken ISIS. In a 3 sq. kms area of Mosul which has got borders from Turkey and Syria. Turkey is protecting ISIS in that region and American forces are only doing the last defense of ISIS so that they are not completely wiped off from there. In Syria also they are making this efforts to create an area between Syria and Iraq which remains isolated from both these countries and only Turkey supports this area where ISIS will be inhabited. You have seen in the news that American army is bombarding Syrian force the moment they take any steps towards annihilating ISIS.
Since ISIS is a very heavy capital for them they want to protect it. These are evil facts but due to media people are not able to believe it. The terrorists were not made on their own, a heavy investment of billions and trillions of dollars were spent on creating them, arming them, provide them with supplies and logistics. The money spent is much more than the spending on a formal army. If you want to do business and want to move goods from one location to another, you have to pay a particularrent but if you want to do something illegal then you have to spend double. The money spent on terrorists in Pakistan if was spent on Pakistan army it would have made it the world’s most powerful army. Those who make informal armies they have to spend more and this is what they did. This is their asset and capital now and whichever country who made the forces it is their capital. They will never end terrorism because they have spent so much on it, so how will those who made it to allow you to finish terrorism. They keep on changing places but they will not end. This is a policy which we should know that anyone who invests on a capital they will not allow it to be transferred anywhere. They are relocating ISIS now in Afghanistan and Pakistan. There are three countries which are ready to host ISIS. One is Libya where one part of ISIS has already been moved and then other two nations Afghanistan and Pakistan where they plan to move rest. Their major focus to relocate them is in Libya and Afghanistan but Pakistan can also become their strong base because Pakistan is prepared for this as there is experience of terrorism and they get cooperation from state. The kind of cooperation which terrorists get in Pakistan is not given anywhere else in the world.
This is an illusion if someone thinks that since a Takfirist NATO is created there is no need for ISIS, they are going to remain. The Takfirist NATO has openly announced that their target is Iran. The Saudi crown prince Mohammad bin Salman in his public live broadcast interview on MBC and Al Arabia channel a month back mentioned the same. When he was asked that you have conflicts with Iran so is there any possibility of resolving this. He said it is not possible because there is an Ideological issue whereby the Shias and Iran believe in Imam Mahdi revolution with which Shias want to dominate the world. Iranians are preparing the ground for this and the interference which Iran has today in other nations like Syria, Iraq, Bahrain, Yemen is part of this operation for return of Imam Mahdi.
This theory of Mahdaviat has been studied properly and they have not taken this subject the way Shias have taken this in a mockery form. AS the Quran tells the Prophet that have you seen those who have taken their religion for mockery? It is very sad that Shias have done the same with Mahdaviat but the enemies have taken this very seriously. They have not taken Mahdaviat from orators and pulpit mongers but instead they have referred to this subject from prophet Shias sources and joined the links of events and they ascertained that Mahdaviat is the divine global political system. The crown prince said due to this reason we cannot talk to Iran instead we are ready for a war with Iran. But we will not fight the battle in other Arab countries like Bahrain, Syria, Yemen instead we will move this war inside Iran. This was his formal declaration in public on TV Channel and this person is the axis of all mischiefs in entire Middle East at present.
Saudi’s Networking inside Iran
The day before yesterday incidents that took place in Tehran whereby two blasts and attacks happened on Iranian Parliament and Mausoleum of Imam Khomeini (r.a); around few hours before the Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Al-Jubeir formally announced in a conference that Iran will be punished as it is not refraining from interference in other Middle Eastern countries. I am not expressing something behind the scene; all these are what is publicly announced. The Riyadh conference had only one open declaration that we will fight together against Iran and this NATO force is made against Shia. Everyone who was present there it is clear that this is not a war against terrorism and even if they say this force is made against terrorism then they specify that Hezbollah, Houthis of Yemen are terrorist and Iran is their support. They don’t take the name of Taliban, Al Qaeda, and ISIS as terrorist groups.
The preparation of this stage was not done after the conference; it has been going on since long. Ale Saud has invested a lot of money in Iran since long for this. Iran has a good number of Sunni population and the border areas is dominated by Sunni majority. The border in south that is Khuzestan, then in West which is Sistan, Balochistan and then the northern borders of Kurdistan are Sunni inhabited areas. In these areas since several years Saudi has invested heavily under various titles of welfare, religion, trading and these are done under the banners of NGO, organizations, welfare trusts etc. One thing Ale Saud has done is to promote population increase for Sunnis so that Sunni population should grow in Iran and reach to the level of Shiite. And to increase population needs money which has been committed by Saudi and Emirates. On the southern border of Khuzestan there are Sunni Arabs. After revolution the atmosphere in Iran between Shia and Sunni was of unity and it is the same now. But the seeds that Ale Saud plants is amongst Sunni and specifically Takfirist who are not even Sunni. This is how they have spent a lot of capital to grow Takfirism in these areas. They made various groups like first they made the group of Abdul Malik Reggi which got destroyed completely. Then they made Jaish ul Adel and carried out certain operations with few more names. These were some groups they made since long to prepare for the type of operations which happened two days back. Since Iranian leadership were aware about this they had taken all possible steps to control them and to a large extent they were successful in stopping them. But still certain elements are always present who for the sake of money or other benefits do such things. This is one act they have done to move the battle inside Iran the way the Saudi Crown prince announced in his interview.
How America Milks Saudi Cow
Apart from this the external arrangement which they have done this is that America has a pet cow. Trump has said that we will milk this cow and then leave it in dessert after that. But Rahbar has said that they will milk the cow and then slaughter it. Trump has milked this cow completely and has made contracts of trillions of dollars by sucking out ten years of Saudi capital. He has applauded himself that no American has till now not done such deals and brought this much income to America overnight.
If you remember in the last part of tenure of Obama; a bill passed in American senate that Saudi Arabia was involved in 9/11 attacks. They have made a secret report in which everything is written as to what role Saudi played in 9/11 attacks, as to what Saudi Embassy did and this report is present on internet. On the basis of this report a bill is passed that all those who got killed or injured in 9/11 can file law suits on Saudi Arabia in American courts and take compensation from Saudi Arabia against it. From that day of passing of this bill the Saudi Foreign Minister stayed in USA for 21 days. See how they have caught this big fat cow. They passed this bill and asked their people to file cases on Saudi Arabia. The immediate reaction that Saudi demonstrated on media was to declare that we will remove our seventy trillion investments from USA but this was all eye wash. That was the time when changes were about to take place in USA. Obama was leaving and Trump had not taken over formally the Presidency seat in White House. The Saudi Foreign Minister for 21 days sat there requesting for some time to meet Trump. He met Obama multiple times but Trump was not giving any time to this cow to meet. After a lot of intermediate efforts he finally met the Saudi FM and he got the Ale Saudi reigned and persuaded them to accept whatever they say. What they wanted to do was to first ask people to file cases on Saudi Arab as it has been formally proved that Saudi Arab is responsible for 9/11 and then get money out from Saudi through court cases. The same money now they took it directly from Saudi Arabia. Since Saudi money is already present in America they would under the pretext of these court cases step by step keep on freezing Saudi wealth present inside America. This is what America did with Iran whereby they put cases on Iran and made it responsible for various global incidents and in lieu of which they kept on freezing Iranian assets. Like if some American was attacked in Lebanon they made Iran responsible and against it froze Iran Assets. This way they continued this evil plan since long and till now almost 2 billion dollars of Iran they have distributed amongst American people. One American came to Tehran, he was caught for spying and then he was released; later they billed Iranians for all the trouble which this American got from Iran. The same way they want to usurp the trillions of dollars of Saudi also and in context of Saudi being terrorist you can rip them off. This was the planning for this cow, but this cow said that instead of going through courts, punishing us tell us what you want. If you want the same money we can give you like this only. They got submitted to it completely and accepted everything which America said. And the filthiest thing they did was this conference in Riyadh and this was an ugly spot on Muslims which they can never wipe off. The expiation of this sin can only be done by fifty Muslim nations if they disgrace America else this sin will not be forgiven for the disgrace which they have created for the Muslim world. This way they controlled Saudi and then they involved Israel along with America they started this new phase to move the war inside Iran.
Iran Attacks – Symbolic not terrorist
These attacks which have taken place carry least importance for Iran but this has been given high importance globally. Inside Iran as per their political policy they are giving it least importance and it should be like this only to not make people afraid. But the reality is that these attacks are important and internally a lot of importance has been given to these attacks. These attacks are symbolic and have been done on two symbolic places. The targets for these attacks are both symbolic places. The mausoleum of Imam Khomeini (r.a) is the Ideological and Revolutionary center. These targets are not the ISIS targets because ISIS always targets public places to terrorize people. Though they have accepted the responsibility and Iran also said that it was ISIS. They were elemental in carrying out the operation but not planned and initiated by them. They were Iranian Kurds who were trained by ISIS. They were first part of rebellion group inside Iran in Kurdistan. They went out from them and became part of ISIS and carried out this attack.
This was a symbolic act which takes places in many places like in Pakistan Army GHQ was attacked. Attacking GHQ is not the target of terrorists; they attack parks, public, rallies, they only target to create terrorism. Those who target symbolic spots for attack they are not done by gangsters or terrorists; there are governments, systems behind such symbolic attacks. This attack is not beneficial to a group it is for an opponent government. When an attack is done on a place which is the symbol for that community’s ideology, power, thinking then there are systems behind it who want to target these identities. To target symbolic spots is done under a strategy and there is definitely governments behind it. This is because rebellion groups do not gain anything out of it. These attacks are done as a message. At present a message is being delivered to Tehran that we have this much strength that we can become threat to your sacred places as well. The Parliament and Haram e Imam are both symbolic significant spots and specifically Haram e Imam.
The second point is that since 20 yrs. Iran has been complete peaceful. For ten years after revolution when the war was going on Iran was highly insecure with many incidents but after the war ended Iran made a very strong security arrangement and the result was that Iran was peaceful despite of Iran involved in Bahrain, Syria, Yemen, and Lebanon. This was a big message for the world about Iran’s strength that despite of so many enemies and Iran’s interference in several nations still Iran is not allowing anyone to do anything inside Iran. This was a big message and the actual attack was on this impression that now those peaceful days of Iran are over and there will be insecurity in Iran now.
Qatar and Saudi rift
Qatar has been the target since some time for some reasons. Six countries severed relationship with Qatar and immediately started enmity with a close friend. The current Emir’s father and in fact his mother started a new method of politics. You should keep in mind that in Qatar the power base lies with the mother of current Emir and the wife of ex Emir. The grandfather of current Emir went to Britain and she asked him to stay there and the power was given to his son; at the back was this woman. She is woman who is after heroism who wants to stay behind and play games. She is very shrewd and plays conspiracies. She decided to modernize Qatar and invested heavily in every field to make Qatar a big power in Arab. Prior to this Qatar was ignored and very small country. She changed the status and one thing which happened was that they started to rebel against Saudi Arabia. The father of current Emir previously disconnected from Saudi Arabia else all Arab nations live in accordance with Saudi.
Qatar decided to announce itself as a new political power and they were really becoming strong; and this woman was behind its progress. She transformed all the systems of Qatar for modernization. She changed economic system, trading and with agreement with USA they made an Air force for America in Qatar. Qatar at present despite of being very small become a global name and it has made a name bigger then Saudi Arabia. The next football world cup is about to be held in Qatar. Soccer World cup is the biggest sports event of the world and no one can think that this is being held in Qatar. Qatar is counted as a big name in sports like in wresting, boxing, driving though there is no Qatar national playing in these. They have purchased foreign players at multi million dollars and given them Qatar nationality. This is the desire of pomp which is there whereby they created a fame to this extent that they got nominated for hosting world cup. This is the politics that has started in Qatar whereby they want to acquire the leadership themselves and hence they have spent a lot of money in various field. The biggest Gas reserves are in Qatar and they are selling this aggressively. In the field of terrorism Qatar has spent more than Saudi. In creating ISIS, Jibhatal Nusra, Syrianliberation front and even on Muslim brotherhood whose president was Morsi; Qatar invested heavily on all of them in their pursuit of power. Qatar invests only in places of power. When they select a party also to invest they select strong parties like Hamas in Palestine, Muslim brotherhood in Egypt and even in Pakistan they invested a lot on terror groups. They have not invested this money to promote terrorism but to increase Qatar power in the world. If all these industries have Qatar investment then they will become a big power.
This is the reason Qatar became a threat for Saudi and started denying Saudi policy and on other hand becoming favorite of world. Even in Saudi to meet its agenda in the region Qatar was becoming an obstacle. Qatar was spoiling the games played by Mohammad bin Salman. This is the reason they have targeted Qatar and this is not their ultimate strategy and it is possible that they will come to some compromise. To carry out this sanctions on Qatar is also a message to Iran. Any country that orients a little to Iran will have to suffer. One thing that Qatar did was that they did not implement the Anti Iran policy of Saudi Arabia. Even after this conference Qatar objected that this does not makes sense to isolate Iran. In all conferences Qatar would agree to Saudi Arabia but practically they would do the opposite to Saudi Arab. This was not for sympathy with Iran but in opposition to Saudi Arabia. I remember in one meeting in Lahore, when a person was about to give his opinion he had to rush out for some emergency, someone asked him at least give your opinion. He was rushing out and pointed out to another person in the meeting and said that whatever is the opinion of this person my opinion will be opposite of that. If he says yes, then consider my opinion as No. Qatar was like this, whatever Saudi says Qatar will do its opposite and Saudi did not liked that a kid in my neighborhood has become so tall. A telephone call got leaked few years back between Egypt President and ex Qatar Emir. In which Egyptian president was telling these Saudis are fools and we should reap as much from them as possible whereas the Qatari Emir was saying that these foolish Saudi’s will get disgraced through our hands. This became a big issue and diplomatic relations were severed but then again compromise was done.  In regards to Iran Qatar acted opposite to Saudi policies. They remain in support of Iran and did not disconnect from Iran. In the recent conference of Trump, the Qatari Emir though he was present there but condemned that this is nonsense talk that Iran should be isolated. Now when Qatar got into trouble Iran is also supporting them. The Qatar airline now could not fly over the gulf countries but Iran has opened its Air space for them. This issue will not go forward and if it does then this would be a foolishness which they will do. Like they threw Yemen, Syria, Lebanon,and Iraq all in the hands of Iran. So if they do not resolve this issue then Qatar might also go in the hands of Iran. This issue of Qatar will not move forward because the actual goal is Iran.
Proving Saudi as powerful
These attacks are a sign and signal that the useless forces of Saudi Arabia can also do such things. Now since Mohammad bin Salman has been sent down in the field by America to fight these battles. To give this impression that Saudi intelligence, policies, forces have become so powerful that they can target such strategic spots in the most peaceful and secure nation they have done this. If you look at the outward then this is done by Saudi as they have said they are moving the battle inside Iran. If this has been done by Saudi forces then this is very a big achievement,but the Saudi forces are not powerful to do such things with rented forces to target a spot like Haram e Imam. But this strength lies with America and specifically Israel. Israel can train other countries as it has big experience in this. Several Iranian scientists were targeted inside Iran through Iranian rebels managed by Israel.
Internal Cooperation in Iran attacks
One more objective of this attack was to create an impression that Iran can be infiltrated. We have proven that Iran is an easy ground which we can infiltrate easily and carry out operations wherever they want. One more point I should mention here that when sacred symbolic places of a community are targeted. These sacred places like Mausoleum of Imam, Parliament, and Army HQs demonstrate the weight of a country but when such places become insecure then it weakens the power of the country and makes the entire nation insecure. To target such sacred symbolic places it is impossible for any other country to do this unless there is cooperation from inside. And this cooperation is not from ordinary people it is from special class. Like the attack on GHQ was not done with cooperation of people but was done with cooperation from people sitting inside GHQ. If there is an attack on the symbolic spot of army then there is cooperation from inside army to make this happen. It is not appropriate for Iranian policy to issue such statement but it is a fact that approaching these two sacred spots is done through internal cooperation. This is the biggest threat for Iran. Not that ISIS has come inside Iran which is insignificant as the Supreme Leader also has said that these were simple fireworks for us since he has trust on the system and there is no need to be afraid. But this is of concern that without internal cooperation and infiltration this operation cannot take place. And the Supremeleader has been making the people attentive since long. He has been saying that American objective is to infiltrate inside diplomatic layers of Iran and governmental and other organizations. Many affairs that are taking place inside Iran are due to this joint cooperation betweenexternal and internal elements. The enemies of revolution outside and the power worshippers inside. The external enemies take advantage of these power hungry elements and they both try to gain personally from each other.
Supreme Leaders calls on students to take control in their hands
The Supreme Leader day before yesterday in a gathering with the University students made a very important point. This was on the same day when this incident happened hence it was natural that the leader of the state should deliver his entire speech on this incident but he hardly made one or two comments on this incident. His entire speech went on internal issues and during this speech he issued a unique message to the students which till date he has not done. The leader gave an example and expressed what the actual issues of the country are and what various organizations are doing. Amongst them one organization about which the leader quoted was Ministry of Culture and Broadcast. In Iran in past there used to be an Orator who recited a specific Dua on TV channel in a very rhythmic manner and for several years this persons recitation was broadcasted on the TV channels. His name is Shajarian and later he became Anti revolution on which his recitation was banned from being broadcasted. The Minister of this entity wrote a letter to the TV station that at the time of Seher and Iftar this person’s recitation should be broadcasted. The Leader said look at this useless work of this Minister; what kind of issues the nation is going through and what this character is raising as an issue. Is this the issue of the nation as to which Zakirs recitation should be broadcasted and which not? We have made you the Minister for this? The actual subjects of Ministry of culture was to rectify the issues of religiousness, Hijab, Youths and this is where the Leader made an address to the students with a war interpretation.
Since he was the commander before and now also he is the commander in chief of the forces but he hardly uses warfare language. But this time he used the war language and addressed the students saying that in this Soft War. The Soft war is the cultural war and these students are the officers of this war and they have to fight this Soft war. Then he said that during war if the Headquarter becomes a victim of some crisis, and the communication between the field and HQ breaks, or the HQ is bombed or the commanders run away, sleep or become careless; then in this situation there is a policy of war. That policy is that the soldiers get the rights to fire themselves; since your contact with commander and HQ is disconnected for whatever reason then the soldiers should not return back since there is no one to give them order; then these soldiers are the commanders and they don’t need anyone to give command. They themselves take control of situation. Now the leader has openly given this message under these crisis to these Iranian youths that at this stage you have lost contact with your commander and now you have the authority to fire on your own. The Leader himself is present but he is asking the people to stand and fight themselves. This proves that there is a big danger from inside. On the same day when there were attacks on Iran the American congress has passed a new Bill of sanctions on Iran. These two were done together. It shows that there is an internal coordination also there. Since the leadership is alert, experienced and has very high experience on handling crisis he knows how to take the nation out of this crisis.
I would like to mention this point that this Saudi cow is acting in a big foolish way like a cow only. They are cow of Trump and are really foolish. To isolate Qatar is in favor of Saudi; attacking Yemen is like attacking villagers but for Iran they are fools. Iran is having a powerful army and they have very high experience in fighting war and no one has fought such prolonged battles which Iran is fighting in these last 70 years. There is no army in the world who is having such practical experience which Iran has. Iran has the maximum counter terrorism experience. That army which has made Israel bite the teeth. That force which has cleansed ISIS from Syria, Iraq and has made such a powerful system in Hezbollah is very powerful. They have their own war machinery and no need to take support from outside. Trump has intentionally aroused this Cow which was about to happen in Siffeen but did not happen. Ameerul Momineen (a.s) told Muwaiya that let us not make our forces fight, let us fight with each other alone. The advisor of Muwaiya, Amr Aas said this is a good opportunity you should go, fight and defeat Ali. Muwaiya stared at Amr Aas and said you want me to go in front of Ali? I know what is going on in your mind. Is there any possibility to escape Ali’s sword? He was clever and did not do. These Saudis are all followers of Muwaiya but here they have done this foolish act to come in direct confrontation with Ali. They are confronting a force that has all forms of war experience like psychological warfare, classical war, strategic war, guerrilla war, they have air force, navy and to go and confront this army is suicide. Trump has pushed this cow in the battlefield to see how it gets shredded to pieces. The day this cow takes the first step that would be its last step. There is no formality in this; the first day Ale Saud starts the war and on that day itself this war will end and Ale Saud will be destroyed. But the loss that the Muslim Ummah will suffer will be very high. Iran has till now avoided this and it looks like now also they will avoid this direct confrontation. Iranians are certain that this has been done by Saudi and America but they have issued formal statement that this has been done by ISIS. Everyone knows that this technique of attack is only with America and Israel but Iran wants to avoid this. They don’t want to start this war. The more they avoid this war it is better because there is a big destruction of Ummah. Anyone who wins this war will also lose it because the damage done to the Muslim Ummah would be very severe. This would be war between Muslims. The Iranian leadership is demonstrating extreme patience, deep insight and in matured form but on the other hand there is extreme foolishness. We pray that May Allah relieve the Muslim Ummah from this sedition. 

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