Sunday 21 January 2018

The Global Supremacy Of China

The Global Supremacy Of China

1st November is the day of independence for the province of Gilgit-Baltistan. Since this region is under a lot of political chaos and there are big plans that are made for this region specifically under the name of CPEC we will discuss this matter here. Gilgit Baltistan has its own history that at the time of independence of Pakistan in 1947 Gilgit Baltistan joined Pakistan in 1948. The locals with their efforts, battles finished the Dogra regime from there and joined Pakistan. The Pakistan rulership till date in seventy years did not have time, opportunity to accept Gilgit Baltistan joining Pakistan and make Gilgit Baltistan a part of Pakistan. For a long period this was a forsaken region but certain incidents that took place drew attention towards this region and many got anxious about it specifically certain groups within Pakistan got more interested in it. The countries outside Pakistan and specifically neighboring countries also started to give importance to it. We will not delve more inside the history of Gilgit Baltistan but focus more on the future of Gilgit Baltistan which is more important. Though historical knowledge is also necessary and no work has been done related to the history of Gilgit Baltistan; a very basic effort has been put which needs completion from various perspectives.
What is CPEC?
At present in the current era this region is under a big catastrophe and that is a plan under the name of CPEC which means China Pakistan Economic Corridor. It is the economic or commercial route between China and Pakistan; this is a plan which is being implemented in Pakistan and this has raised the significance and importance of Gilgit Baltistan. The same region which was forsaken, abandoned by everyone and despite of many other attractions which were present in this region which were all neglected by the rulership category and also industrialists, commercial establishments and even the political parties also did not have any interest. It was to the extent that many people living in Pakistan were not even aware as to which northern region of Pakistan is Gilgit Baltistan. Even the people living in Gilgit Baltistan had no interest in their region and they were more inclined towards other regions like Punjab, Karachi for the purpose of education, living and other routine affairs. The CPEC plan has got the attention towards the region in a full-fledged way from inside the country, media and also outside. Hence the people of Pakistan should be aware about this plan as to what CPEC is and what is going to happen in this. The common people of Pakistan think that CPEC is a project to build roads (for transport) from China to Gwadar port. China in the present era is rising as an economic superpower and the effects of all this is and will be seen more on other political events globally. China is rising on the global economic horizon as new power. Whatever is happening under the banner of CPEC is a small part of a global plan of China. CPEC which itself is considered as a mega project in Pakistan and Pakistani’s are confused as well since they are not aware. The media instead of making their community aware as to what is the reality behind this, what is happening in the world; they create more confusion and anxiety? Since Pakistan has a non- serious media CPEC has become a hot topic of anxiety and confusion. Though the non-serious temperament of Pakistani’s is such that they don’t get easily excited or anxious about things. Seriousness is required to become anxious about something but for our community Cricket is enough even if they don’t understand CPEC. Since time is short I will discuss this topic just as a list and then we will come towards Gilgit Baltistan
China 2000 yrs before
China in the past has been an economic power; its culture, civilization is well known but specifically China has passed through a flourishing economy. Approximately until 2000 yrs back China has remained as economic power and it had trade relationships across the globe and even after that this superiority of China has remained established for decades across the world. The reason behind this has been many discoveries done inside China which were then developed and spread across the world. One of the famous historic industries of China has been silk. In textile industry even today silk has its own status and superiority. Today with the help of science artificial and industrial silk has also come up which has replaced the tradition of breeding silkworms which was done in the past by China and exported to the world. The trading route by which China was exporting silk across the world was known as Silk route which spread across Asia to Europe. It was passing through Pakistan, India, Asian states, Russian states and through Iran, Turkey it was reaching European market. China being an intellectual center is also well known and also in Islamic traditions it is found as seen in the famous tradition from Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) that you should be in pursuit of knowledge even if you have to travel to China. This was because China was one of the centers of knowledge. But eventually due to historical incidents this economic centralization of China came down and other states, nations also developed into big markets. The same products which were coming from China; other nations started to develop themselves. Then there were many battles and other political changes that took place in the history of China due to which China lost its global superiority.
Communist revolution in China
In the last century where there were two major world wars which effected the entire world and China was also affected by that. In the vicinity of China, Japan which was also a military and economic power and was an opponent of China that affected China. This war was won by China against Japan but China also got broken and many areas under China got separated by various communities. This was the era in which Russia was heavily promoting socialist and communist thinking; and after Second World War there was an aggression of this socialist ideology from Russia which also had an effect on China. Communist got organized and Mao Tse Tung started the communist revolutionary movement and united the regions. There is a very small area that is outside the vicinity of China and China is not much effective there. Taiwan is still separate; Hong Kong was under Britain which China got back. China has gathered many of its territories coming out as a power. Mao Tse Tung is amongst the great leaders of the world who has changed history, united a community and given an identity to a community. This was the first leadership which gave political freedom to china from powers like Japan. In 1949, two years after formation of Pakistan; China started its new journey as united group of nations. This era passed then in the 70s and 80s China got one more leader.
The Chinese system is such that there are not public elections there. The rulership is done by Communist party and they have their own Communist bureau and they select representatives from across the country; these representatives then select a central council and this council then selects the President. The President has a five years tenure after which the communist party meets and they again select the President. Like the current President’s tenure was extended for another five years. The political system of China is very strong and China has become a role mode and reference globally specifically due to its economic growth and strength. Many nations want to follow the China model considering its strength to establish the economy of their nation. West is also following China in many economic policies. In China the leader, Presidents have been many as administrators but there have been three major leaders in China. There is a difference between administrator and leader. Administrator is the one who runs the state and establishes law and order. Leader establishes a nation and moves them towards the purpose. The administrative manger’s role is to run the existing system in proper manner without any disturbance. A leader takes the nation out of the existing system into future.
Unfortunately Pakistan has been deprived of both administrator and Leader. We are aware of other leaders in the world but no leader is born in this nation. Shaurish Kashmir who was a revolutionary activist at the time of independence has written that this land is barren to produce any leader like Allama Iqbal. There are reasons for this like there is no seriousness and many other weaknesses due to which this young generation despite of having potential gets wasted. The land is fertile but due to weaknesses everything is getting wasted. It is not that those who are not getting educated they are wasted but even those who are getting educated are wasted because what they study is just waste. They only study those sciences which can give them job and hence their personalities get wasted. Personalities are not made by studying the sciences which we are studying and are interested. These sciences which are useful in running factories do not make personalities. The sciences that make personalities are different from these like Philosophy, Sociology and makes personalities.
Three visionary leaders of China
China has seen three big leaders and one of these three is the one who has made this plan of CPEC for you. One was Mao Tse Tung who got freedom for China, organized them and gave a political identity to China. The second leader which gave economic foundation to China is a famous personality of his time Deng Xiaoping. He made China a big economic power. The existing China is his china that came out of this ideology. He was a leader with a vision with leadership qualities in context to their ideology and region. The third leader whom China has formally considered as their leader and made him as part of their constitution few days back is the current Chinese President Xi Jinping. These three leaders Mao Tse Tung, Deng Xiaoping and Xi Jinping are of equal status and considered as leaders and not President. These are those who have their own political, communal, economical, global visions and the vision of this current President Xi Jinping has been accepted as a vision in constitution of China. He is the creator of a new vision from China under which China is creating a new global identity. This is the third step which China is taking; first was under the leadership of Mao Tse Tung; then under Deng Xiaoping China became an economic power and the third step which has just started under the leadership of Xi Jinping.
The vision he has given now is the third phase of the same vision given by the two previous leaders. In the first phase China achieved political stability under Mao. Then after becoming a political power instead of fiddling with neighboring countries they focused completely inside China to make it strong economically which was done by Xiaoping and made China a pole of industrial world. Now on the bases of the political and economic stability achieved the third step is being taken to establish a global identity for China and also a full dominance of China over the world. China has still not achieved this recognition that it is or it can dominate over all the nations of the world. China is very strict on one thing; that is when they were of Buddhist ideology they did not adopt Buddhism as a religion and when they became communist they did not accept communism the way Russians did. The Russians attempted to develop a visionary precedence over the world and they captured a big part of the world ideologically and in many place socialist, communist revolutions took place in almost all continents. Almost half of Western Europe came under dominance of communism and many other nations of American continent and still some nations like Cuba and Venezuela still have a very weak communism. Russians exported communism globally but China despite of being communist is not a propagator of communism. China has used communism more as a tool rather than as an Ideology. At present China has communism but this is political communism in which there is a communist party which is not sensitive towards the religion of Chinese people. Like Christianity is spreading fast across China. China is sensitive towards Islam and don’t give free hand to Muslims because they become extremist and spread terrorist type Islam. The Salafism started to spread quickly in China due to which china controlled it in a hard way. For Christianity is spreading on ground and there are no restrictions on it. China is not sensitive about Communism as a vision either inside China or outside; like China does not wants to bring Communism in Pakistan or Asia. They have kept communism only as a means and tool. They don’t even care even if the members of their communist national party become religious. This is the difference between Chinese and Russian communism
One Belt, One Road – New vision of China
China has first used this communism as a means of political stability and economic growth and beyond this they are not concerned about communism. The system which China has made for the world is one that china should be superior across the world in terms of economy. China has got this feeling that they can establish their dominance over the world and they have taken steps also under Xi Jinping. Jinping wants to return the same 2000 yrs old economic status to China. A conference was done few months back and around 36 leaders of the world participated and accepted the policy of “One Belt, One Road”. This is the same old Silk route which connects the entire world. China has once again renewed the same policy and this is a very unique plan for China. Some try to interpret these things in superstitious manner as Gog and Magog incidents that the reappearance of Imam (a.t.f.s) is about to happen. The actual plan is this “One Belt, One Road” and not CPEC which is just a small part of this plan. This Silk route was an intercontinental route which passed through dry lands and caravans would travel by road on this. The new plan which China has made has both land as well as sea connectivity. They have made one sea route to get some nations under its influence and another route by land which will connect to Europe. In fact some part of this route is already connected to some parts of Europe. There is a trade route that connects the entire world and this is a very unique plan for China. They are making railway lines, wide roads and sea routes. The actual plan is to make a route from China to Germany and Italy in Europe. The big part of this Chinese corridor is in this region and the sea route is also through Indian Ocean. China has taken all the major ports in the Indian Ocean and amongst them one is our Gwadar port. From this huge; One belt, One road plan which is around 13000 to 15000 kms route is the plan of China made by Jinping as per his vision. The estimate which they have made for this project is five trillion dollar. A small part of this route which is around 1300 kms comes in Pakistan known as CPEC. This is not a Pakistan China economic plan; it is China Pakistan Economy plan. This is also part of this big Silk route revival plan. This route has been opened by China to approach global markets and one leg of this big route passes through Pakistan. This starts from China Pakistan border.
You have to keep this in mind that china is much bigger nation than Pakistan. In terms of population they are more than 1.3 billion and geographically also it is a vast land but with one specific that on 40% of Chinese land 94% population lives. This means the major part of Chinese land is mountainous and not populated. The second point is that most of the population of China lives near the sea; the Eastern China and Western China. The border that touches Pakistan from China is an empty zone and very lowly populated that is the 6%. The major population of China is on Eastern part of China and this itself is a problem for China whereby there is no balance of population distribution as the load of entire population of China is on one part. The way China wants to become influencing, effective in the outside world it also wants to create a population distribution balance inside China. They want to transfer their population across the Western border which is mostly empty. For this they have made internally also big roads, railways even though it is a tough terrain but with the help of technology they have done all this construction. China might be the only country who has railways up to their border because generally trains are used in and between cities but China has made this to the border. Like the mountainous region which touches India; China has made roads reaching all the mountains peaks whereas for India the difficulty is that not even non concrete roads are present in mountains on their side. Sometime back the conflict that took place on the India China border was for this reason only that China has made big highway on the border which India claimed that this has made their border insecure. China has some plans and it is proceeding with a big plan.
Secrecy – Code of Success for Chinese
Chinese are very secretive community; they only tell the world what is required to be told and not inform everyone about everything they are doing or plan to do. Even till now they have not even told Pakistan completely about CPEC as to what they are planning to do. They have only told to the extent it is required to be told. And this is the secret of their success that they do not reveal their secrets till the time the secrets are endangered. This One belt One road was only told to the leaders of thirty six countries to the extent it was required to be told and there was no danger to them. They have not told any further details to anyone.
CPEC is the route that starts from Khunjrad border area in north Pakistan and goes up to Gwadar port. There are some roads which they have to make here; they have to make a train route, roads for vehicle and for production of electricity China has to put some power plants in some cities which are already identified but they have only informed Pakistan to the extent required; like they have told Pakistan to prepare the plot and Pakistanis are doing that.
CPEC Funding as loan to Pakistan
One more interesting dimension of China is that this is a mega investment of 5 Trillion dollar; from where will they bring this much funding. From CPEC you can estimate how they will arrange this much funding. China has granted Pakistan a budget of 46 billion dollar for CPEC project. This was a loan to Pakistan in 2016 and in 2017 a review has been done and this have been revised to 54 billion dollar. This will go forward and might even cross 60 billion dollar until completion. All this is loan given to Pakistan which Pakistan has to return back in thirty years with interest. China is building their own route on the land of Pakistan and is being made by them; no contract has been given to Pakistani companies for technical, engineering work and only some basic labor work might be given to Pakistan. All this is debt of 46 billion dollar on Pakistan which they have to return in thirty years as 90 billion dollar including interest. Pakistan will not take anything instead China will themselves spend 46 billion which will increase every year but will take 90 billion dollar back. This money is given as loan to Pakistan and used for giving contracts to Chinese companies to build the route which means this loan money will also go back to China.
Despite of this for Pakistan this project has an importance because it is seventy years that Pakistan never got the opportunity to make any national policy like a 5, 10, 50 yrs plan which would happen if a stable political government would have come and done this. The most useless government of Saudi Arabia has also made a 30 yrs plan to modernize Saudi Arabia. That is a separate topic as to what is going to happen in Saudi Arabia and these fools Ale Saud are also planning to fly like China. It is like a frog who saw a falcon flying and decided that he will also fly but did not realize that he is not having wings too fly. Saudi has a plan to build the most modern city of world in Saudi Arabia near Red Sea with a budget of 5 trillion dollar.
Effects of CPEC on Pakistan
China has made this CPEC plan but still this is important for Pakistan because Pakistan is running without policy. There is only one policy of Pakistan which is related to the India Pakistan enmity which is required to be existing in the interests of both. Whenever India needs something they blow the trumpet of Pakistan enmity and similarly Pakistan uses it for Indian enmity. They create this noise of enmity to resolve their internal issues but for the development of country Pakistan has nowhere made any policy. The Military government comes and somehow runs the government, making their own money; then civilian government comes which does corruption and everyone is looting. We can say that the only policy present in Pakistan is looting, robbing and usurping which is adopted by all categories of people. They don’t work out a plan for 5, 10, 50 yrs plan as to how Pakistan will grow, develop and reach where. This is the only country which can run the nation for four years without a foreign minister. But such a powerful infrastructure that comes up in terms of big roads and power plant has some benefit for Pakistan.
There is no doubt that when a such big transport infrastructure is created there will be some benefits for Pakistan but here also there is a separate argument as to whether Pakistani vehicles will be permitted or not to drive on these roads because the planning done by China related to number of Chinese trucks will pass in a minute on this road is different. If you see those figures then that does not looks like even a Pakistani motorcycle will be allowed to pass on the route. The interesting thing is that this route will pass through the center of Pakistan as Pakistan geographical is more in length and width is short; all these roads are being made length wise. These roads will pass touching the cities of Pakistan and they have the vision to also make new cities in fifty years and power plants will be made. But all this is under the wisdom and planning of China and Pakistan is not involved in this planning at all. China has done this planning, engineering and design all for Pakistan themselves. They have not asked Pakistan and neither is Pakistan interested to ask them.
There is also a negative opinion present on this which is that Pakistan will permanently lose its economic independence and will become a slave nation of China forever. The industries, agriculture, development will end in Pakistan and it will all be Chinese plans. We can see the signs of this already. If we can study the history of India then similar facts are seen here amongst which formally Chinese language has been started to be taught in Pakistan. The government institutes have made this obligatory to learn Chinese for their officers and staff. Though China is coming to Pakistan and they should be learning our language but it is opposite. This means the influence of China will be increasing in Pakistan and you will have daily contacts with Chinese everywhere. You don’t have to learn Chinese so you can sell bread to some Chinese but this is required because all the official instructions will be given to you in Chinese language. Your entire economy will be dependent on China and for this learning Chinese language is necessary. When India came into slavery of British it was exactly as per the same conspiracy. East India Company came to India in pretext of business from one port. They asked permission from one port for trading and then gradually they made entire India as slave. When East India Company came the national language was Persian before the British came. The British came and changed the education medium to English and from that time you have been learning English. Now your medium will also change and it will become Chinese. To change language of a nation has a very deep precise meaning. When some country comes inside and changes the language then this is a sign towards the same slavery. Those analysts who have this negative views have strong evidence that this has happened before whereby India became slave and we are now going in the same direction. Today we have nothing to deal with China and it is China that is doing everything and hence this is a view that Pakistan will become slave of China. The business, market, industry will be all from China and Pakistani will only work as a labor and help them. They will work in their offices and they will get salary from Chinese owners of Pakistani company.
China has made this plan of CPEC for Pakistan and this is starting from Gilgit in Pakistan. Baltistan remains at one side and this route passes from Gilgit for a long distance and this enters Khyber Pakhtoon Khan; and from there into Punjab and then it branches into Sindh and Balochistan. We can interpret CPEC as a white powerful elephant and in front of it you can assume a weak creature like Rabbit. If we see Gilgit Baltistan they are like a weak rabbit; timid, afraid and it has nothing. Now this big elephant has to pass over this weak Rabbit so what will happen to it? The effects of this CPEC route is over entire Pakistan but we are only discussing in context to Gilgit Baltistan. The tragedy with Gilgit Baltistan is such that in seventy years the rulers of Pakistan have proven their complete ineligibility for this region. They have given at least some importance to Kashmir but no attention has been paid towards Gilgit Baltistan.
China in pursuit of Global supremacy over America
One more dimension is necessary to be mentioned here which is also related to Gilgit Baltistanthat this plan of china is a sharp attack on America. This act of China is to end the power of America. America is the world’s most powerful military and economic power. They are number one in economy and then China is after them. But as per XI Jinpeng planning China will take an economic jump and will go much forward than America and America will not be able to even reach near China. If this planning of Xi Jinpeng becomes successful of which possibilities are high then America will no more remain an economic power; it will become a second economy in the world and its effectiveness from the world will go away. Another thing which China has done as regards to this strategy which they have never done in the past but last week they have announced that China will now keep their army on priority over economy. This was not before whereby Chinese forces never participated in any global battles though they had some minor wars with India before. As per Xi Jinpeng army will be their first priority now and then economy. China will make the most modern force of the world and for this they have made their infrastructure. They have made the economic infrastructure and then spread it across the world and in last ten to fifteen years they have modified their military infrastructure as well. As such the Chinese military is a biggest army in terms of number of people; that is around 3 million. Now they want to equip their army with latest technology, supersonics, air warfare technology, missile technology and they are already an atomic technology. In 2017 itself China has taken a big step and made the first Naval Air fleet which are used for launching aircrafts from sea with complete Air squad and control room which can go into any sea. This fleet has been made first time by China and they have launched in sea and this is a big forward step which China has taken. America has very well realized that China is not just a simple competition to America but China also wants to wipe away the American leadership position. There is no doubt that this is what is going to happen that China will wipe off America because the potential which China has is not there with America. China has not interfered anywhere though there are some clashes with their neighboring countries but at a global level China carries a status in global institutes. It has no enmity with any country and everyone wants to befriend China because of its economy. At present from Europe; atomic power like France, then Italy, Spain are getting near to China so that with the help of China Europe can stabilize its position against America. Now China has also taken a big step in military power and as I said being secretive is the code of success for China. They do not allow the world to understand and they have made such a closed society that it is very difficult for information to leak and to do espionage on them. Their enemies buy off some Chinese but the system inside China is so strong that they cannot break through. There are thousands of people from communist party hanged in last five years on slightest doubt that this Chinese officer has got affiliated with some Western country. They run the trial at night, morning they hang and do not act with any mercy to give time. They don’t want the Chinese secrets to leak out to anyone. This secret system has made China very secure.
America has been terrorized by China at present and Trump has been selected for this only. I have mentioned this at that time when Trump was elected that Trump has been selected for American leadership with a proper planning. He had lost the election against Hilary and in a fraudulent manner they got him elected. They wanted this wrestler to stand against China. As such he runs wrestling business and Casinos, night clubs which are the main source of his income. They have got this person to confront China in a wrestling style. All the policies which Trump is making like whatever he is doing with Iran, Pakistan are all preparations for confronting China. He is making strategies to fight China. Since he is a champion of Wrestling he is doing in that style whereas China is a champion in acting with wisdom, planning and secrecy hence they are moving in that style. America at present is a victim of panic.
China and India are in severe conflict. India is not a big power but has a desire to become a superpower. In terms of population India is number two; its geography is big, has inclination towards industrialization and in certain segments India has earned global fame. In this region after China the name of India comes up. China and India have conflicts at border and they are enemies also of each other. One reason for China selecting Pakistan is because America has selected India for confronting China. There is a definite war going to happen between China and America but it won’t be a direct war instead a proxy war that would be fought on some other land which China or America will decide. If America decides than that war can happen in Taiwan or Pakistan or in some Asian state; it is the same way the war is being fought in Syria. This is a proxy war whereby two enemies fight on the battle field of someone else. If China selects the battlefield then it could be that place which will incur loss on America and similarly America will select that place which gives loss to China. The way Taiwan is important to China the same importance is there for Pakistan as well. China considers Taiwan as part of its territory geographically but for Pakistan the Chinese General of a special force they have made for guarding the CPEC was questioned. He was asked by European journalists that you give a lot of importance to Pakistan and now Pakistan is also coming in opposition to America, not listening to America and in rebellion; and you have spoiled the relation of Pakistan and America. The reply this Chinese General gave was that the importance which Pakistan has for China is same which Israel has for America. The way Israel does not listens to anyone because America is that their back he says same way Pakistan is now (because China is at its back). China has to get a lot of work done through Pakistan against India. America has to take a lot of work from India against China.America is massaging India now, strengthening its muscles to prepare them for China. Similarly China is massaging Pakistan for preparation against India. Hence this region is gradually becoming a camp of many major incidents to happen.
Clash of two big elephants in Gilgit Baltistan
We have only kept our eyes on roads but the issues getting developed under footnotes is not being pondered over by analysts. There is no seriousness adopted on this matter that if these two big elephants of America and China fight then what will happen. This has already started whereby India has already lodged a request in UN that CPEC should not pass through Gilgit Baltistan because it is a disputed territory; it is not decided that whether Gilgit Baltistan belongs to Pakistan or India. Since it belongs to Kashmir India claims it belongs to us whereas Pakistan claims Kashmir belongs to them. India has given a formal writ in UN that this CPEC should be stopped with Global pressure on China and Pakistan because this is passing through disputed territory and that disputed land is Gilgit Baltistan. Thus Gilgit Baltistan is conceiving the semen of major events in future. Hence the importance of Gilgit Baltistan has become abnormal now. For China CPEC is very important as they have already spent and what they are going to spend is a big investment and they want this to be successful. India wants to stop CPEC and in fact they want to stop the entire one belt one road plan of China so as to stop China becoming more powerful. America is putting all efforts to prepare against China. They are preparing Taiwan on one side, then Ukraine on some side and then India. They are all alliances of America and Middle East which Obama has left them on their own; he said they are a liability and burden on us and told them that we are not going to pamper you anymore. Trump came and did the opposite; he started to pamper the Arabs again because now he needs them to confront China. This is because the route which China is making is going to fulfill one big need of oil and energy transportation from Middle East. At present from the current route by sea it takes 90 days for an oil vessel to reach China from UAE or Saudi Arabia. But if it reaches from CPEC route it will be there in 8 to 9 days. China is making roads, routes to transfer oil and gas into their country and America has started to capture oil wells in Saudi, Emirate, Kuwait and Qatar. America does not wants them to sell oil to China and this is the reason why American interests have gone so high in Arab nations. Obama has made some other policy and Trump has made some other policy for which this Wrestler was bought in the arena. He has started besieging China from all around; from sea route of West, from land and all other ways. In order to break Pakistan America has started to apply unordinary pressure on Pakistan; every day they threaten Pakistan. Tillerson was in Pakistan last week and sitting here he has scolded them. The Pakistani media said that it was the first time that Pakistan has not welcomed the American Foreign Minister and this was the only revenge they have taken by not going to airport but could not give any reply to him across the table. These two elephants have already clashed and the regions which come under this clash the first one is Gilgit Baltistan. When two elephants fight then the small creatures under the feet get crushed and nothing is left from them.
Negligence towards Gilgit Baltistan by Pakistan
The way I said that our government since seventy years has been negligent about Gilgit Baltistan. Even the people and local leadership of Gilgit Baltistan have also been negligent. If the government has not granted them any political status then the people, leadership of Gilgit Baltistan have also not desired or demanded anything. Even now the demands from the people of region is not for granting any political status or recognition of their identity or asking for any share in CPEC. There is nothing for Gilgit Baltistan in CPEC; only the road will pass through the region but there is nothing else for Gilgit Baltistan in this. Even the distribution center market where the goods from China will come they have made the depot in Havelian which is in KPK (Khaibar Pakhtoon Khan). They have not given anything to Gilgit Baltistan in this; they should have at least made one power plant there to give them energy as it is such a deprived region. An entire plan is passing through there but not giving anything. It is like a milking cow which rampages through a field and then goes to its stable to give milk there. This is our situation that they are passing through our area but nothing is given to us. The reason for this is that the sense which was required to be present in that region is not there. There was no awakening done and people also did not demand and played any character.
Infiltration of India and America in Gilgit Baltistan
At present India also wants this region to make it disputable. America is also arousing India on this matter and US also has high interest in Gilgit Baltistan. The US aids that are given in this region is the means of penetrating this region so that they can create problems for China and this plan. These sacks of rice, flour given by NGO’s as aids from USA is not free. As the Americans say there are no free lunches. There is something to be paid against this. These rice, flour coming in every house of Gilgit Baltistan is not free; they have to do something against them. India is infiltrating and creating their agents in Gilgit Baltistan so that they can start a rebellion against Pakistan in this region. Indian agents are not necessarily some Hindu or Sikh but instead it could be some Pakistani only who will rise up and say that we are not getting our rights and will start a rebellion against Pakistan. These demands, reasons would be true also because to the extent a region can remain deprived of their rights has been already done with Gilgit Baltistan. They cannot deprive them beyond these as they don’t have the power to deprive more else they would have done that also. Even beyond CPEC this region has other importance as well. CPEC has just made Gilgit Baltistan as a tool but as such it has its own geographical and economic importance. It is a biggest tourist point of Pakistan and due to insecurity this tourism has not prospered. There is a local potential in the region but there has been no plan made to capitalize the potential of this region and now only because CPEC route is passing through Gilgit Baltistan it has got some importance. This is a big mistake of Pakistan that they are passing a Silky and Golden route through are region whose population has been kept deprived. In other words they are giving an opportunity to the enemies; India will come and arouse them that see CPEC is passing through your region and there is nothing for you. You will just do the work of loaders and provide labor services. The Pakistan military has made a special brigade to protect CPEC. This is a useless work they have done because already a Brigade is present in Gilgit Baltistan which is the people of Gilgit Baltistan. This is the brigade which has got freedom for Gilgit Baltistan from Dogra, separating them from India and getting it joined Pakistan. If they can do this then this Brigade can save the CPEC also from the evils of America and India but if these people would have been trusted. This corruption has been done by political parties whereby they take a small commission and keep the community deprived. They take some small meager contracts or job for their children and family; thus keeping the community and people deprived from their rights. One more tragedy which has happened in Gilgit Baltistan is the interference of political parties. First no one would even visit there but since 2009 they are visiting there that is after People’s Party gave a very strange face to this region. They did not make it a province, state or independent or made a separate constitution. They did not even issue an ordinance and instead with just a notification they did everything. If they would have given it a constitutional status then this region would have been secure from India and would not have been presented in international organizations as a disputed region and America would also not have eyed on it. CPEC which is an important plan for Pakistan but at the same time for Gilgit Baltistan this is a very sensitive issue. What is required in Gilgit Baltistan is first the awareness of the people of region about this CPEC.
China besieging India
The way America is trying to besiege China; like they are trying to buy out oil wells. So the road will be of China but oil wells will be of America. Similarly China is also besieging India; the way America is massaging India the same way China is massaging Pakistan so if India does something Pakistan will reply. China has besieged India from the sea sides. China has taken all the strategic ports around India. They have not just taken Gwadar port; they have taken the Port of Myanmar, then they have taken Chittagong port of Bangladesh. Then there is Sri Lanka below India and the port of Sri Lanka has also been taken over by China. There are some islands in Indian Ocean which also China has claimed that these islands belong to China. The other regions like Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia; China is taking the strategic points on rent. This is all to control India in case America arouses India to stand against China. This means no sea route help will be available for India if there is a battle. The ports are now presently for trading by china but if the need comes they can become war ports. This is a big encounter whereby America will not lose its status so easily. It will put all possible efforts to maintain its global leading position. The American power has become lazy in the world and the steps which Trump has taken to recover has done more damage and weakened it further. People are getting afraid of America now because of the tyranny, oppression which America has done. The policy of America is that it takes a dagger to other countries whereas China goes with a carrot. These are the two policies at present; whereby China is taking their economy power whereas America like for Pakistan brings threats, forces and bombs. It is not that China likes Pakistan or favors them. Chinese are the most disloyal community who only have personal interests. They don’t like any relationship with anyone but they are only concerned about their interests. If you see the various tyrannies and oppressions going around the world in which China has not taken any step like in Palestine, Myanmar or Kashmir. They do not have any sympathy towards Muslims or anyone in general. If China is a friend of some nation then for sure there lies a benefit for Chinese in it. China is not ready for any sacrifice for anyone. But their policy is that they go to every nation with a carrot that is an economic policy. They said we will develop Tajikistan, Iran.
Iran made agreement with India for Chabahar port and then China gave an offer to Iran which is about to end the agreement with India. China is making attempt to make Iran also part of CPEC though Iran is connected on the One Belt. At present the train route which China has made is connected with Iran and experimental train has run on this route from Peking to Tehran and this route goes up to Germany. Now China is trying to link Iran also through the land route. This is because after Gwadar the next point is in Iran which is the Chabahar port and it also has land route from Iran to Pakistan. This is also in benefit of Iran and it is possible if Pakistan gets freedom from American clutches then this route can also work out. This is possible that even if Pakistan does not desire still China will get Pakistan out from the clutches of America as this has become a need for China. It is not that Pakistan hates America but it is the need of China that Pakistan should separate from America. If this happens that Pakistan gets separated from America then Pakistan will get connected with Iran. At present there are two big burdens on Pakistan; one is from America and second from Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is under the clutches of America because America is showing King Salman and his son big green gardens. Prince Mohammad Salman has announced that we are now doing a reversion towards a Saudi Arabia before 1979. This means before 1979 which was the year of Iranian revolution after which Saudi came aggressively in Shia enmity but he is saying that we are going to leave that enmity. They want to now develop Saudi Arabia as a modern state and place of tourism. The day the evil of America ends the same day Saudi will end and on the same day Iran and Pakistan will connect.
Gilgit Baltistan – Sensitive and Strategic point
In this situation Gilgit Baltistan is the most sensitive point whereby India is making attempts through Gilgit Baltistan to foil the CPEC plan. America will use Gilgit Baltistan to do the same and create rebellion there. For Pakistan also it is of strategic importance that it protects Gilgit Baltistan and brings out a secure route to other regions. You should be attentive that both India and America wants to create rebellion, uprisings against Pakistan through the people of this region. This is the planning and strategy. The Pakistani forces are not making the same policy to counter this conspiracy through the people of Gilgit Baltistan. In fact they are waiting for India and America to start some rebellion in Gilgit Baltistan and Pakistan should crush the rebellion through military power. This is where the people of Gilgit Baltistan should be well aware and awakened that one is trying to arouse the people and other is preparing to crush them if they rise. This is foolishness and immaturity that you are preparing to crush the people with a separate Brigade instead you should get the people along; give them some part of CPEC which benefits the region. They are now doing opposite by usurping the lands of Gilgit Baltistan; the government, agents and forces are trying to usurp the land there.
This will create more mistrust and more possibility of rebellion. Who has shown them this foolish path because as such that region is deprived a lot and now when some foreign plan has come up then you should take advantage of that and give development , welfare to the region and its people. The more the people will get facilities in the region they themselves will become a force to counter the conspiracies there. This strategy has never been made practical in Pakistan. The British did this and all these regions which are disputed the British adopted a strategy in these regions to protect themselves from Afghanistan. In order to protect themselves from the aggression of Afghanistan and Iran they made this buffer zone in between whereby they developed tribes, armed them, and gave them authority to take care of this region. And it was never that British had to fight in this region. The tribes protected everything and this was the British policy to develop them for this purpose.
This is the best solution for Pakistan that they should immediately make Gilgit Baltistan as a province of Pakistan and grant them authority and give all the facilities to the people of this region from Chinese money if you don’t want to spend from your own. The place where India and America are infiltrating you should give protection to that region so that the people will protect the region and the CPEC plan. They will not come under the enemy influence. But it is very difficult that someone will think on these lines in this country specifically those who are power hungry who always want to crush people. For the sake of crushing people do not burn your own region. This is foolishness to burn your own house.
Awareness and Awakening for the people of Gilgit Baltistan
First of all the people of Gilgit Baltistan should become aware, awaken and get all the rights from government. This is the right time because once the route becomes active you will not get anything. In fact people would be exiled from the region as being an obstacle and creating insecurity. It is possible that you might be exiled later if you raise your voice for the rights at that time. This is the time where all categories should unitedly in seriousness get their rights but keep yourself secure from political parties. The political parties are merchants who will talk for the people but take the contracts for themselves. They come as representative of people and then get contracts, plots, rents for their own. You will see and can find now also what all these politicians have got for their own. Hence the sensible people, youths of this region with wisdom, seriousness take steps. The beggars would not get anything; they are kicked out and cornered. The way this region joined Pakistan on the first day that is the right path even though Pakistan did not grant any formal status to the region yet. As I said that the people of this region who were able to get freedom from Dogra’s and make it part of Pakistan provided they stand on their own. The most important thing to remember is that when this elephant passes then it will crush everthing; not just economy, land but your culture, civilization as well as this elephant is merciless.
Imamat, Wilayat – The true identity of Gilgit Baltistan
The actual identity of Gilgit Baltistan is the vision of Imamat and Wilayat and this is the vision which can keep this region firm and stable. It should not happen that we abandon this vision of Imamat. I can feel that a wave has started which is of secularism within the youths of this region that if we remain with religion we will suffer. This Satanic thought is very dangerous. If you have been loyal to Pakistan then it is due to the vision of Wilayat and if they have got freedom from Dogra regime then it was due to this vision of Wilayat. If till the time this region, community despite of being so deprived have not done anything then this is because their Ideology teaches this to them. But it is not that you should forsake your vision. At present the biggest threat for youths of this region is that from visionary perspective which they are going towards Secularism. I can see this threat from their talks, dresses that they are trying to show that we are modern. They are wearing T Shirts in minus temperature. They wear Jeans and try to show we are modern. This modernism is a deception which comes from Western dresses. You wear Salwar Kameez, get educated and remain on your religion; loyal to your nation.
If they (government) are not doing anything then you should yourself make College, Universities, Technical centers for your people. You make Industrialization plans for your people yourself. People from other parts of the country visit there and tell that there is so much potential for hydro power; there are abundant dry fruits there. Why can’t the people there think about the minerals and tourist places which is their capital and without the help of China on their own efforts they can do all this. This has to come along with the vision and under the shadow of Wilayat. The vision that can make all this happen is that of Wilayat only; else to go after the tails of this and that; and the games which political parties have played there has been witnessed by all. In future also it is the awareness and sense of the people that will keep them firm. This seventy years of deprivation will go away God willing with the efforts of the people and the dangers that are hovering over the heads of people; they should be attentive by the youths. They should not get bewildered by others. We pray that people of that region will develop it and come out of deprivation. It would not be good to hear that China has developed Gilgit Baltistan instead it should be that people of Gilgit Baltistan have developed it. This would be a medal for us. The way the people of Gilgit Baltistan had got freedom for the region; they should develop this region and also protect it from others. It should not happen that we leave this region on the mercy of others and that will not be the right state. Allah (s.w.t) also says that Allah changes the state of the community only when they change themselves. Now the time has come for the people to make, develop this region themselves and this region God willing will become the starting point for the system of Wilayat and Imamat in this country.

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