Sunday 21 January 2018

End Of ISIS And Cruelty Of Trump In 2017

End Of ISIS And Cruelty Of Trump In 2017

The most important issue for the current affairs, is the end of 2017 and the new year of 2018 is coming up. A comprehensive analysis of 2017 is required as to what has happened inside Pakistan, outside in other nations, in the region, internal and external matters. There have been extremely important issues that have taken place and the most memorable thing that has happened in 2017 by the grace of Allah is the annihilation of the sedition (Fitnah) of ISIS. The end of theirs is also is in context to the end of their dominance and not presence. This was a blind sedition which was started by all tyrants on earth. All the tyrants gathered together in this fitnah which was ended by Allah through the hands of Mujahideen. This was a big incident in which the entire world of infidelity and hypocrisy got disgraced.
In the same way a bigger Fitnah than ISIS got established in 2017, which was the President of America, Trump. He is the most accursed person in the history of humanity ad has reached rulership and his intentions are also enmity of Islam. And amongst his all accursed steps, the most accursed step was related to his decision about Qod’s, whereby he declared Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and wanted to move his embassy over there. Similarly there has been unpleasant incidents have taken place in many regions. There are certain dimensions in which Allah has given respect to Muslim and then there are certain cases where difficulties have also come up. This also needs a comprehensive analysis on 2017 and then what is going to happen in 2018 in that specifically the elections of 2018 in Pakistan.

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