Sunday 21 January 2018

UN General Assembly Resolution Cannot Stop Trump

UN General Assembly Resolution Cannot Stop Trump

Another important topic is of Quds about the foolish step which Trump took and declared, accepted Jerusalem as the capital and issued statement to move his Embassy to Jerusalem. There has been reaction on this across the world. The weakest reaction was from Muslims, the most disgraceful reaction was from Arabs and amongst this reaction one was from United Nations. There was a UN General Assembly gathering that took place on this case. First it was placed in UN Security Council (UNSC) and but with the special powers which America has in UNSC being a permanent member they have done Veto on it. All the other nations were against this but America alone did the Veto and not allowed the resolution to get passed. This resolution was then taken to General Assembly where this resolution got passed with a big majority. Nine countries opposed it, 34 refrained from attending and 128 passed it and asked America to not move its Embassy to Jerusalem and Jerusalem should not become the capital of Israel and should not be touched. 
This was also a symbolic act even though there was a general public opinion about the world being against Israel, but this was also symbolic act because the resolutions of UN General Assembly do not carry much weightage and are not trustable, and are not obligatory to be implemented. These are just condemnation statements similar to ones issued by many nations as formality and there is no guarantee for it to be practically implemented. This means this resolution cannot stop Trump from moving his embassy to Jerusalem and making Jerusalem as capital. The UN Security Council has authority and if this resolution would have been accepted there then it would have weightage, would be implemented and Trump would have to stop his plan. The members of UN then implement this but America did not allow this to happen there
The countries who accepted that America has done something wrong and their embassy should not be there is a deception because they all have friendly relationship with Israel. This is just something done to mislead a public opinion. There are Muslim nations who have relationship with Israel. Ale Saud has confessed that we have friendly relationship and we have common roadmap with Israel. Bahraini Foreign Minister has said that till the time Iran is there Israel is not our enemy; they are friends. This means this resolution cannot get implemented because all the countries who have voted have friendly, trading relationship with Israel and they have no cooperation with Palestine but for a symbolic way they participated. The place where effective step was to be taken; that is UN Security Council there America did Veto on that to make it unsuccessful. The most effective step that is being taken is the beginning of the third Intifada against Israel in Palestine. There have been two armed uprisings (Intifada) against Israel and this would be the third one.  The first two intifada had broken the back of Israel and this is the right solution. The Muslims should support Palestine in this so that this virus of corruption gets demolished completely from this world and entire world and Palestine gets refuge from its evil.

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